Definition of wove

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Wove (imp.) of Weav.

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Bobbinwork :: Bobbinwork (n.) Work woven with bobbins.
Canvas :: Canvas (n.) A coarse cloth so woven as to form regular meshes for working with the needle, as in tapestry, or worsted work..
Tinsel :: Tinsel (n.) A shining material used for ornamental purposes; especially, a very thin, gauzelike cloth with much gold or silver woven into it; also, very thin metal overlaid with a thin coating of gold or silver, brass foil, or the like..
Euplectella :: Euplectella (n.) A genus of elegant, glassy sponges, consisting of interwoven siliceous fibers, and growing in the form of a cornucopia; -- called also Venus's flower-basket..
Mattress :: Mattress (n.) A mass of interwoven brush, poles, etc., to protect a bank from being worn away by currents or waves..
Web :: Web (n.) A whole piece of linen cloth as woven.
Marbrinus :: Marbrinus (n.) A cloth woven so as to imitate the appearance of marble; -- much used in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Ravel :: Ravel (v. i.) To make investigation or search, as by picking out the threads of a woven pattern..
Diaphane :: Diaphane (n.) A woven silk stuff with transparent and colored figures; diaper work.
Wood :: Wood (n.) The fibrous material which makes up the greater part of the stems and branches of trees and shrubby plants, and is found to a less extent in herbaceous stems. It consists of elongated tubular or needle-shaped cells of various kinds, usually interwoven with the shinning bands called silver grain..
Carpet :: Carpet (n.) A heavy woven or felted fabric, usually of wool, but also of cotton, hemp, straw, etc.; esp. a floor covering made in breadths to be sewed together and nailed to the floor, as distinguished from a rug or mat; originally, also, a wrought cover for tables..
Sinch :: Sinch (n.) A saddle girth made of leather, canvas, woven horsehair, or woven grass..
Two-ply :: Two-ply (a.) Woven double, as cloth or carpeting, by incorporating two sets of warp thread and two of weft..
Silk :: Silk (n.) Hence, thread spun, or cloth woven, from the above-named material..
Union :: Union (n.) A textile fabric composed of two or more materials, as cotton, silk, wool, etc., woven together..
Weft :: Weft (n.) A web; a thing woven.
Toweling :: Toweling (n.) Cloth for towels, especially such as is woven in long pieces to be cut at will, as distinguished from that woven in towel lengths with borders, etc..
Sieve :: Sieve (n.) A utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts of a pulverized or granulated substance from each other. It consist of a vessel, usually shallow, with the bottom perforated, or made of hair, wire, or the like, woven in meshes..
Bandage :: Bandage (n.) A fillet or strip of woven material, used in dressing and binding up wounds, etc..
Damask :: Damask (n.) A heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; -- made for furniture covering and hangings.
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