Definition of war

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War (n.) A condition of belligerency to be maintained by physical force. In this sense, levying war against the sovereign authority is treason..

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Laterad :: Laterad (adv.) Toward the side; away from the mesial plane; -- opposed to mesiad.
Declination :: Declination (n.) The act or state of bending downward; inclination; as, declination of the head..
Pronation :: Pronation (n.) The act of turning the palm or palmar surface of the forefoot downward.
Fronde :: Fronde (n.) A political party in France, during the minority of Louis XIV., who opposed the government, and made war upon the court party..
Affluence :: Affluence (n.) A flowing to or towards; a concourse; an influx.
Stuntness :: Stunted (a.) Dwarfed.
After :: After (a.) To ward the stern of the ship; -- applied to any object in the rear part of a vessel; as the after cabin, after hatchway..
Churchwarden :: Churchwarden (n.) One of the officers (usually two) in an Episcopal church, whose duties vary in different dioceses, but always include the provision of what is necessary for the communion service..
Manger :: Manger (n.) The fore part of the deck, having a bulkhead athwart ships high enough to prevent water which enters the hawse holes from running over it..
Falchion :: Falchion (n.) A name given generally and poetically to a sword, especially to the swords of Oriental and fabled warriors..
Cold :: Cold (n.) Having a bluish effect. Cf. Warm, 8..
Anteflexion :: Anteflexion (n.) A displacement forward of an organ, esp. the uterus, in such manner that its axis is bent upon itself..
Nodding :: Nodding (a.) Curved so that the apex hangs down; having the top bent downward.
Guess Warp :: Guess warp () A rope or hawser by which a vessel is towed or warped along; -- so called because it is necessary to guess at the length to be carried in the boat making the attachment to a distant object.
Prone :: Prone (a.) Headlong; running downward or headlong.
Payment :: Payment (n.) That which is paid; the thing given in discharge of a debt, or an obligation, or in fulfillment of a promise; reward; recompense; requital; return..
Delftware :: Delftware (n.) Earthenware made in imitation of the above; any glazed earthenware made for table use, and the like..
Upright :: Upright (a.) In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree..
Retroact :: Retroact (v. i.) To act backward, or in return; to act in opposition; to be retrospective..
Swarm :: Swarm (v. i.) To climb a tree, pole, or the like, by embracing it with the arms and legs alternately. See Shin..
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