Definition of wagon

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Wagon (n.) A wheeled carriage; a vehicle on four wheels, and usually drawn by horses; especially, one used for carrying freight or merchandise..

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Harness :: Harness (n.) The equipment of a draught or carriage horse, for drawing a wagon, coach, chaise, etc.; gear; tackling..
Wagoner :: Wagoner (n.) One who conducts a wagon; one whose business it is to drive a wagon.
Shed :: Shed (n.) A slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure usually open in front; an outbuilding; a hut; as, a wagon shed; a wood shed..
Slipper :: Slipper (n.) A kind of brake or shoe for a wagon wheel.
Rumble :: Rumble (n.) A low, heavy, continuous sound like that made by heavy wagons or the reverberation of thunder; a confused noise; as, the rumble of a railroad train..
Squeak :: Squeak (v. i.) To utter a sharp, shrill cry, usually of short duration; to cry with an acute tone, as an animal; or, to make a sharp, disagreeable noise, as a pipe or quill, a wagon wheel, a door; to creak..
Wheelwright :: Wheelwright (n.) A man whose occupation is to make or repair wheels and wheeled vehicles, as carts, wagons, and the like..
Skid :: Skid (v. t.) To check with a skid, as wagon wheels..
Iron :: Iron (v. t.) To furnish or arm with iron; as, to iron a wagon..
Wheel :: Wheel (n.) A circular frame turning about an axis; a rotating disk, whether solid, or a frame composed of an outer rim, spokes or radii, and a central hub or nave, in which is inserted the axle, -- used for supporting and conveying vehicles, in machinery, and for various purposes; as, the wheel of a wagon, of a locomotive, of a mill, of a watch, etc..
Van :: Van (n.) A light wagon, either covered or open, used by tradesmen and others fore the transportation of goods..
Convoy :: Convoy (n.) A vessel or fleet, or a train or trains of wagons, employed in the transportation of munitions of war, money, subsistence, clothing, etc., and having an armed escort..
Tramroad :: Tramroad (n.) A road prepared for easy transit of trams or wagons, by forming the wheel tracks of smooth beams of wood, blocks of stone, or plates of iron..
Locomotive :: Locomotive (n.) A locomotive engine; a self-propelling wheel carriage, especially one which bears a steam boiler and one or more steam engines which communicate motion to the wheels and thus propel the carriage, -- used to convey goods or passengers, or to draw wagons, railroad cars, etc. See Illustration in Appendix..
Cart :: Cart (n.) A light business wagon used by bakers, grocerymen, butchers, etc..
Mahwa Tree :: Mahwa tree () An East Indian sapotaceous tree (Bassia latifolia, and also B. butyracea), whose timber is used for wagon wheels, and the flowers for food and in preparing an intoxicating drink. It is one of the butter trees. The oil, known as mahwa and yallah, is obtained from the kernels of the fruit..
Wagoned :: Wagoned (imp. & p. p.) of Wago.
Wagonload :: Wagonload (n.) Same as Wagonful.
Stand :: Stand (v. i.) A station in a city or town where carriages or wagons stand for hire; as, a cab stand..
Drop :: Drop (n.) A machine for lowering heavy weights, as packages, coal wagons, etc., to a ship's deck..
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