Definition of voided

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Voided (a.) Annulled; invalidated.

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Dejecture :: Dejecture (n.) That which is voided; excrements.
Voiding :: Voiding (n.) That which is voided; that which is ejected or evacuated; a remnant; a fragment.
Voided :: Voided (a.) Emptied; evacuated.
Unavoided :: Unavoided (a.) Not avoided or shunned.
Cleche :: Cleche (a.) Charged with another bearing of the same figure, and of the color of the field, so large that only a narrow border of the first bearing remains visible; -- said of any heraldic bearing. Compare Voided..
Avoidable :: Avoidable (a.) Capable of being avoided, shunned, or escaped..
Imperative :: Imperative (a.) Not to be avoided or evaded; obligatory; binding; compulsory; as, an imperative duty or order..
Voider :: Voider (n.) A tray, or basket, formerly used to receive or convey that which is voided or cleared away from a given place; especially, one for carrying off the remains of a meal, as fragments of food; sometimes, a basket for containing household articles, as clothes, etc..
Lithotrity :: Lithotrity (n.) The operation of breaking a stone in the bladder into small pieces capable of being voided.
Voiding :: Voiding (a.) Receiving what is ejected or voided.
Avoided :: Avoided (imp. & p. p.) of Avoi.
Mascle :: Mascle (n.) A lozenge voided.
Voided :: Voided (a.) Having the inner part cut away, or left vacant, a narrow border being left at the sides, the tincture of the field being seen in the vacant space; -- said of a charge..
Emiction :: Emiction (n.) What is voided by the urinary passages; urine.
Voidable :: Voidable (a.) Capable of being avoided, or of being adjudged void, invalid, and of no force; capable of being either avoided or confirmed..
Necessary :: Necessary (a.) Such as must be; impossible to be otherwise; not to be avoided; inevitable.
Caution :: Caution (n.) A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided; prudence in regard to danger; provident care; wariness..
Beware :: Beware (v. i.) To be on one's guard; to be cautious; to take care; -- commonly followed by of or lest before the thing that is to be avoided.
Voided :: Voided (imp. & p. p.) of Voi.
Watchful :: Watchful (a.) Full of watch; vigilant; attentive; careful to observe closely; observant; cautious; -- with of before the thing to be regulated or guarded; as, to be watchful of one's behavior; and with against before the thing to be avoided; as, to be watchful against the growth of vicious habits..
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