Definition of vis

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Vis (n.) Physical force.

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Ravisher :: Ravisher (n.) One who ravishes (in any sense).
Eviscerate :: Eviscerate (v. t.) To take out the entrails of; to disembowel; to gut.
Chevisance :: Chevisance (n.) Achievement; deed; performance.
Pavesse :: Pavesse (n.) Pavise.
Silene :: Silene (n.) A genus of caryophyllaceous plants, usually covered with a viscid secretion by which insects are caught; catchfly..
Cartes De Visite :: Cartes de visite (pl. ) of Carte de visit.
Phratry :: Phratry (n.) A subdivision of a phyle, or tribe, in Athens..
Saivism :: Saivism (n.) The worship of Siva.
Sundial :: Sundew (n.) Any plant of the genus Drosera, low bog plants whose leaves are beset with pediceled glands which secrete a viscid fluid that glitters like dewdrops and attracts and detains insects. After an insect is caught, the glands curve inward like tentacles and the leaf digests it. Called also lustwort..
Dreamer :: Dreamer (n.) A visionary; one lost in wild imaginations or vain schemes of some anticipated good; as, a political dreamer..
Gunter''s Line :: Gunter's line () A logarithmic line on Gunter's scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers; -- called also line of lines, and line of numbers..
Leaflet :: Leaflet (n.) One of the divisions of a compound leaf; a foliole.
Turanians :: Turanians (n. pl.) An extensive division of mankind including the Mongols and allied races of Asia, together with the Malays and Polynesians..
Baggage :: Baggage (n.) The clothes, tents, utensils, and provisions of an army..
Smile :: Smile (v. t.) To express by a smile; as, to smile consent; to smile a welcome to visitors..
Faluns :: Faluns (n.) A series of strata, of the Middle Tertiary period, of France, abounding in shells, and used by Lyell as the type of his Miocene subdivision..
Tanystomata :: Tanystomata (n. pl.) A division of dipterous insects in which the proboscis is large and contains lancelike mandibles and maxillae. The horseflies and robber flies are examples.
Wing :: Wing (n.) The right or left division of an army, regiment, etc..
Indistinctness :: Indistinctness (n.) The quality or condition of being indistinct; want of definiteness; dimness; confusion; as, the indistinctness of a picture, or of comprehension; indistinctness of vision..
Senonian :: Senonian (a.) In european geology, a name given to the middle division of the Upper Cretaceous formation..
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