Definition of verd

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Verd (n.) The privilege of cutting green wood within a forest for fuel.

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Verdict :: Verdict (n.) The answer of a jury given to the court concerning any matter of fact in any cause, civil or criminal, committed to their examination and determination; the finding or decision of a jury on the matter legally submitted to them in the course of the trial of a cause..
Aeruginous :: Aeruginous (a.) Of the nature or color of verdigris, or the rust of copper..
Overdate :: Overdate (v. t.) To date later than the true or proper period.
Apparel :: Apparel (v. t.) To dress with external ornaments; to cover with something ornamental; to deck; to embellish; as, trees appareled with flowers, or a garden with verdure..
Verd Antique :: Verd antique () A mottled-green serpentine marble.
Verdingale :: Verdingale (n.) See Farthingale.
Ambidexterity :: Ambidexterity (n.) A juror's taking of money from the both parties for a verdict.
Verditer :: Verditer (n.) Either one of two pigments (called blue verditer, and green verditer) which are made by treating copper nitrate with calcium carbonate (in the form of lime, whiting, chalk, etc.) They consist of hydrated copper carbonates analogous to the minerals azurite and malachite..
Returnable :: Returnable (a.) Legally required to be returned, delivered, given, or rendered; as, a writ or precept returnable at a certain day; a verdict returnable to the court..
Verdantly :: Verdantly (adv.) In a verdant manner.
Verdit :: Verdit (n.) Verdict.
Overdye :: Overdye (v. t.) To dye with excess of color; to put one color over (another).
Acquittal :: Acquittal (n.) A setting free, or deliverance from the charge of an offense, by verdict of a jury or sentence of a court..
Verdict :: Verdict (n.) Decision; judgment; opinion pronounced; as, to be condemned by the verdict of the public..
Green :: Green (n.) A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green..
Greenness :: Greenness (n.) The quality of being green; viridity; verdancy; as, the greenness of grass, or of a meadow..
Overdid :: Overdid (imp.) of Overd.
Overdo :: Overdo (v. t.) To cook too much; as, to overdo the meat..
Everduring :: Everduring (a.) Everlasting.
Viridity :: Viridity (n.) Greenness; verdure; the color of grass and foliage.
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