Definition of venomous

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Venomous (a.) Noxious; mischievous; malignant; spiteful; as, a venomous progeny; a venomous writer..

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Haye :: Haye (n.) The Egyptian asp or cobra (Naja haje.) It is related to the cobra of India, and like the latter has the power of inflating its neck into a hood. Its bite is very venomous. It is supposed to be the snake by means of whose bite Cleopatra committed suicide, and hence is sometimes called Cleopatra's snake or asp. See Asp..
Centiped :: Centiped (n.) A species of the Myriapoda; esp. the large, flattened, venomous kinds of the order Chilopoda, found in tropical climates. they are many-jointed, and have a great number of feet..
Cockatrice :: Cockatrice (n.) Any venomous or deadly thing.
Venomous :: Venomous (a.) Noxious; mischievous; malignant; spiteful; as, a venomous progeny; a venomous writer..
Ularburong :: Ularburong (n.) A large East Indian nocturnal tree snake (Dipsas dendrophila). It is not venomous.
Tsetse :: Tsetse (n.) A venomous two-winged African fly (Glossina morsitans) whose bite is very poisonous, and even fatal, to horses and cattle, but harmless to men. It renders extensive districts in which it abounds uninhabitable during certain seasons of the year..
Galliwasp :: Galliwasp (n.) A West Indian lizard (Celestus occiduus), about a foot long, imagined by the natives to be venomous..
Tarantula :: Tarantula (n.) Any one of several species of large spiders, popularly supposed to be very venomous, especially the European species (Tarantula apuliae). The tarantulas of Texas and adjacent countries are large species of Mygale..
Argas :: Argas (n.) A genus of venomous ticks which attack men and animals. The famous Persian Argas, also called Miana bug, is A. Persicus; that of Central America, called talaje by the natives, is A. Talaje..
Tortrix :: Tortrix (n.) A genus of tropical short-tailed snakes, which are not venomous. One species (Tortrix scytalae) is handsomely banded with black, and is sometimes worn alive by the natives of Brazil for a necklace..
Fang :: Fang (v. t.) The tusk of an animal, by which the prey is seized and held or torn; a long pointed tooth; esp., one of the usually erectile, venomous teeth of serpents. Also, one of the falcers of a spider..
Venemous :: Venemous (a.) Venomous.
Rattlesnake :: Rattlesnake (n.) Any one of several species of venomous American snakes belonging to the genera Crotalus and Caudisona, or Sistrurus. They have a series of horny interlocking joints at the end of the tail which make a sharp rattling sound when shaken. The common rattlesnake of the Northern United States (Crotalus horridus), and the diamond rattlesnake of the South (C. adamanteus), are the best known. See Illust. of Fang..
Scolopendra :: Scolopendra (n.) A genus of venomous myriapods including the centipeds. See Centiped.
Virulency :: Virulency (n.) The quality or state of being virulent or venomous; poisonousness; malignancy.
Zimb :: Zimb (n.) A large, venomous, two-winged fly, native of Abyssinia. It is allied to the tsetse fly, and, like the latter, is destructive to cattle..
Daboia :: Daboia (n.) A large and highly venomous Asiatic viper (Daboia xanthica).
Adder :: Adder (n.) A small venomous serpent of the genus Vipera. The common European adder is the Vipera (/ Pelias) berus. The puff adders of Africa are species of Clotho.
Water Moccasin :: Water moccasin () A venomous North American snake (Ancistrodon piscivorus) allied to the rattlesnake but destitute of a rattle. It lives in or about pools and ponds, and feeds largely of fishes. Called also water snake, water adder, water viper..
Gila Monster :: Gila monster () A large tuberculated lizard (Heloderma suspectum) native of the dry plains of Arizona, New Mexico, etc. It is the only lizard known to have venomous teeth..
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