Definition of vat

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Vat (n.) A square, hollow place on the back of a calcining furnace, where tin ore is laid to dry..

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Imbricated :: Imbricated (a.) Lying over each other in regular order, so as to break joints, like tiles or shingles on a roof, the scales on the leaf buds of plants and the cups of some acorns, or the scales of fishes; overlapping each other at the margins, as leaves in aestivation..
Durra :: Durra (n.) A kind of millet, cultivated throughout Asia, and introduced into the south of Europe; a variety of Sorghum vulgare; -- called also Indian millet, and Guinea corn..
Derivate :: Derivate (n.) A thing derived; a derivative.
Lucern :: Lucern (n.) A leguminous plant (Medicago sativa), having bluish purple cloverlike flowers, cultivated for fodder; -- called also alfalfa..
Genteel :: Genteel (a.) Possessing or exhibiting the qualities popularly regarded as belonging to high birth and breeding; free from vulgarity, or lowness of taste or behavior; adapted to a refined or cultivated taste; polite; well-bred; as, genteel company, manners, address..
Scuppernong :: Scuppernong (n.) An American grape, a form of Vitis vulpina, found in the Southern Atlantic States, and often cultivated..
Promote :: Promote (v. t.) To exalt in station, rank, or honor; to elevate; to raise; to prefer; to advance; as, to promote an officer..
Weed :: Weed (n.) Any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant..
Propidene :: Propidene (n.) The unsymmetrical hypothetical hydrocarbon radical, CH3.CH2.CH, analogous to ethylidene, and regarded as the type of certain derivatives of propane; -- called also propylidene..
Depravation :: Depravation (n.) The act of depraving, or making anything bad; the act of corrupting..
Bac :: Bac (n.) A vat or cistern. See 1st Back.
Nullifidian :: Nullifidian (a.) Of no faith; also, not trusting to faith for salvation; -- opposed to solifidian..
Petunia :: Petunia (n.) A genus of solanaceous herbs with funnelform or salver-shaped corollas. Two species are common in cultivation, Petunia violacera, with reddish purple flowers, and P. nyctaginiflora, with white flowers. There are also many hybrid forms with variegated corollas..
Elevatory :: Elevatory (a.) Tending to raise, or having power to elevate; as, elevatory forces..
Vaticanism :: Vaticanism (n.) The doctrine of papal supremacy; extreme views in support of the authority of the pope; ultramontanism; -- a term used only by persons who are not Roman Catholics.
Aggravation :: Aggravation (n.) Exaggerated representation.
Inspiration :: Inspiration (n.) The act of inspiring or breathing in; breath; specif. (Physiol.), the drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm; -- the opposite of expiration..
Vaticide :: Vaticide (n.) The murder, or the murderer, of a prophet..
Abridgment :: Abridgment (n.) The act of abridging, or the state of being abridged; diminution; lessening; reduction or deprivation; as, an abridgment of pleasures or of expenses..
Subsidies :: Subsidize (v. t.) To furnish with a subsidy; to purchase the assistance of by the payment of a subsidy; to aid or promote, as a private enterprise, with public money; as, to subsidize a steamship line..
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