Definition of valve

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Valve (n.) One of the pieces or divisions of bivalve or multivalve shells.

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Lead :: Lead (n.) The width of port opening which is uncovered by the valve, for the admission or release of steam, at the instant when the piston is at end of its stroke..
Multivalve :: Multivalve (a.) Alt. of Multivalvula.
Cornet-a-piston :: Cornet-a-piston (n.) A brass wind instrument, like the trumpet, furnished with valves moved by small pistons or sliding rods; a cornopean; a cornet..
Equivalve :: Equivalve (a.) Alt. of Equivalve.
Tulip-shell :: Tulip-shell (n.) A large, handsomely colored, marine univalve shell (Fasciolaria tulipa) native of the Southern United States. The name is sometimes applied also to other species of Fasciolaria..
Bellows :: Bellows (n. sing. & pl.) An instrument, utensil, or machine, which, by alternate expansion and contraction, or by rise and fall of the top, draws in air through a valve and expels it through a tube for various purposes, as blowing fires, ventilating mines, or filling the pipes of an organ with wind..
Lyopomata :: Lyopomata (n. pl.) An order of brachiopods, in which the valves of shell are not articulated by a hinge. It includes the Lingula, Discina, and allied forms..
Columbella :: Columbella (n.) A genus of univalve shells, abundant in tropical seas. Some species, as Columbella mercatoria, were formerly used as shell money..
Sea Cock :: Sea cock () In a steamship, a cock or valve close to the vessel's side, for closing a pipe which communicates with the sea..
Clack :: Clack (v. t.) Anything that causes a clacking noise, as the clapper of a mill, or a clack valve..
Siphonata :: Siphonata (n. pl.) A tribe of bivalve mollusks in which the posterior mantle border is prolonged into two tubes or siphons. Called also Siphoniata. See Siphon, 2 (a), and Quahaug..
Univalved :: Univalved (a.) Having one valve; as, a univalve shell or pericarp..
Abalone :: Abalone (n.) A univalve mollusk of the genus Haliotis. The shell is lined with mother-of-pearl, and used for ornamental purposes; the sea-ear. Several large species are found on the coast of California, clinging closely to the rocks..
Bivalve :: Bivalve (n.) A pericarp in which the seed case opens or splits into two parts or valves.
Anomia :: Anomia (n.) A genus of bivalve shells, allied to the oyster, so called from their unequal valves, of which the lower is perforated for attachment..
Valved :: Valved (a.) Having a valve or valve; valvate.
Multivalvular :: Multivalvular (a.) Having many valves.
Trimyarian :: Trimyarian (n.) A lamellibranch which has three muscular scars on each valve.
Bivalvular :: Bivalvular (a.) Having two valves.
Ear-shell :: Ear-shell (n.) A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis; -- called also sea-ear. See Abalone.
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