Definition of utterance

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Utterance (n.) The last extremity; the end; death; outrance.

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Exclamation :: Exclamation (n.) A loud calling or crying out; outcry; loud or emphatic utterance; vehement vociferation; clamor; that which is cried out, as an expression of feeling; sudden expression of sound or words indicative of emotion, as in surprise, pain, grief, joy, anger, etc..
Drawl :: Drawl (n.) A lengthened, slow monotonous utterance..
Short :: Short (adv.) Not prolonged, or relatively less prolonged, in utterance; -- opposed to long, and applied to vowels or to syllables. In English, the long and short of the same letter are not, in most cases, the long and short of the same sound; thus, the i in ill is the short sound, not of i in isle, but of ee in eel, and the e in pet is the short sound of a in pate, etc. See Quantity, and Guide to Pronunciation, //22, 30..
Voice :: Voice (n.) The faculty or power of utterance; as, to cultivate the voice..
Drivel :: Drivel (n.) Inarticulate or unmeaning utterance; foolish talk; babble.
Tongue :: Tongue (n.) The power of articulate utterance; speech.
Vocalization :: Vocalization (n.) The formation and utterance of vocal sounds.
Prolation :: Prolation (n.) The act of prolating or pronouncing; utterance; pronunciation.
Dotage :: Dotage (v. i.) Foolish utterance; drivel.
Articulate :: Articulate (v. t.) To express distinctly; to give utterance to.
Thick :: Thick (superl.) Not having due distinction of syllables, or good articulation; indistinct; as, a thick utterance..
Syllable :: Syllable (n.) An elementary sound, or a combination of elementary sounds, uttered together, or with a single effort or impulse of the voice, and constituting a word or a part of a word. In other terms, it is a vowel or a diphtong, either by itself or flanked by one or more consonants, the whole produced by a single impulse or utterance. One of the liquids, l, m, n, may fill the place of a vowel in a syllable. Adjoining syllables in a word or phrase need not to be marked off by a pause, but only
Articulately :: Articulately (adv.) With distinct utterance of the separate sounds.
Aphony :: Aphony (n.) Loss of voice or vocal utterance.
Mutter :: Mutter (n.) Repressed or obscure utterance.
Suppress :: Suppress (v. t.) To keep in; to restrain from utterance or vent; as, to suppress the voice; to suppress a smile..
Speak :: Speak (v. i.) To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by utterance; as, features that speak of self-will..
Utterance :: Utterance (n.) Vocal expression; articulation; speech.
Raise :: Raise (v. t.) To give vent or utterance to; to utter; to strike up.
Ayme :: Ayme (n.) The utterance of the ejaculation Ay me ! [Obs.] See Ay, interj..
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