Definition of usage

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Usage (n.) The act of using; mode of using or treating; treatment; conduct with respect to a person or a thing; as, good usage; ill usage; hard usage..

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Treatment :: Treatment (n.) The act or manner of treating; management; manipulation; handling; usage; as, unkind treatment; medical treatment..
Anthem :: Anthem (n.) Formerly, a hymn sung in alternate parts, in present usage, a selection from the Psalms, or other parts of the Scriptures or the liturgy, set to sacred music..
Appendant :: Appendant (v. t.) Appended by prescription, that is, a personal usage for a considerable time; -- said of a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is superior or more worthy; as, an advowson, common, etc. , which may be appendant to a manor, common of fishing to a freehold, a seat in church to a house..
Europeanize :: Europeanize (v. t.) To cause to become like the Europeans in manners or character; to habituate or accustom to European usages.
Day :: Day (n.) Those hours, or the daily recurring period, allotted by usage or law for work..
Ream :: Ream (v. t.) To bevel out, as the mouth of a hole in wood or metal; in modern usage, to enlarge or dress out, as a hole, with a reamer..
Form :: Form (n.) Mode of acting or manifestation to the senses, or the intellect; as, water assumes the form of ice or snow. In modern usage, the elements of a conception furnished by the mind's own activity, as contrasted with its object or condition, which is called the matter; subjectively, a mode of apprehension or belief conceived as dependent on the constitution of the mind; objectively, universal and necessary accompaniments or elements of every object known or thought of..
Abusion :: Abusion (v. t.) Evil or corrupt usage; abuse; wrong; reproach; deception; cheat.
Wig :: Wig (n.) A covering for the head, consisting of hair interwoven or united by a kind of network, either in imitation of the natural growth, or in abundant and flowing curls, worn to supply a deficiency of natural hair, or for ornament, or according to traditional usage, as a part of an official or professional dress, the latter especially in England by judges and barristers..
Arrive :: Arrive (v. i.) To come to the shore or bank. In present usage: To come in progress by water, or by traveling on land; to reach by water or by land; -- followed by at (formerly sometimes by to), also by in and from..
Disusage :: Disusage (n.) Gradual cessation of use or custom; neglect of use; disuse.
Hotchpotch :: Hotchpotch (n.) A blending of property for equality of division, as when lands given in frank-marriage to one daughter were, after the death of the ancestor, blended with the lands descending to her and to her sisters from the same ancestor, and then divided in equal portions among all the daughters. In modern usage, a mixing together, or throwing into a common mass or stock, of the estate left by a person deceased and the amounts advanced to any particular child or children, for the purpose of
Peacock :: Peacock (n.) In common usage, the species in general or collectively; a peafowl..
Usager :: Usager (n.) One who has the use of anything in trust for another.
Livering :: Livering (n.) A kind of pudding or sausage made of liver or pork.
Maltreament :: Maltreament (n.) Ill treatment; ill usage; abuse.
Parliamentary :: Parliamentary (a.) According to the rules and usages of Parliament or of deliberative bodies; as, a parliamentary motion..
Botargo :: Botargo (n.) A sort of cake or sausage, made of the salted roes of the mullet, much used on the coast of the Mediterranean as an incentive to drink..
Law :: Law (n.) In arts, works, games, etc.: The rules of construction, or of procedure, conforming to the conditions of success; a principle, maxim; or usage; as, the laws of poetry, of architecture, of courtesy, or of whist..
Conformity :: Conformity (n.) Compliance with the usages of the Established Church.
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