Definition of unto

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Unto (prep.) Until; till.

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Contretemps :: Contretemps (n.) An unexpected and untoward accident; something inopportune or embarrassing; a hitch.
Raw :: Raw (superl.) Not worked in due form; in the natural state; untouched by art; unwrought.
Hereto :: Hereto (adv.) To this; hereunto.
Untoward :: Untoward (a.) Froward; perverse.
Whereunto :: Whereunto (adv.) Same as Whereto.
Amount :: Amount (n.) To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or quantities; to come (to) in the aggregate or whole; -- with to or unto.
Avauntour :: Avauntour (n.) A boaster.
Punto :: Punto (n.) A point or hit.
Untold :: Untold (a.) Not told; not related; not revealed; as, untold secrets..
Long :: Long (a.) To belong; -- used with to, unto, or for..
Untowardly :: Untowardly (a.) Perverse; froward; untoward.
Cabal :: Cabal (n.) A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or state by intrigue; a secret association composed of a few designing persons; a junto..
Untomb :: Untomb (v. t.) To take from the tomb; to exhume; to disinter.
Untolerable :: Untolerable (a.) Intolerable.
Untoward :: Untoward (prep.) Toward.
Crookedly :: Crookedly (adv.) In a curved or crooked manner; in a perverse or untoward manner.
Untold :: Untold (a.) Not numbered or counted; as, untold money..
Till :: Till (v. t.) To; unto; up to; as far as; until; -- now used only in respect to time, but formerly, also, of place, degree, etc., and still so used in Scotland and in parts of England and Ireland; as, I worked till four o'clock; I will wait till next week..
Untoward :: Untoward (a.) Awkward; ungraceful.
Countor :: Countor (v. t.) An advocate or professional pleader; one who counted for his client, that is, orally pleaded his cause..
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