Definition of unities

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Unities (pl. ) of Unit.

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Catch :: Catch (n.) Passing opportunities seized; snatches.
Progress :: Progress (n.) Toward ideal completeness or perfection in respect of quality or condition; -- applied to individuals, communities, or the race; as, social, moral, religious, or political progress..
Beguine :: Beguine (n.) A woman belonging to one of the religious and charitable associations or communities in the Netherlands, and elsewhere, whose members live in beguinages and are not bound by perpetual vows..
Unimproved :: Unimproved (a.) Not used; not employed; especially, not used or employed for a valuable purpose; as, unimproved opportunities; unimproved blessings..
Immunity :: Immunity (a.) Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty, obligation, office, tax, imposition, penalty, or service; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy..
Enable :: Enable (v. t.) To make able (to do, or to be, something); to confer sufficient power upon; to furnish with means, opportunities, and the like; to render competent for; to empower; to endow..
Importunities :: Importunities (pl. ) of Importunit.
Honeybee :: Honeybee (n.) Any bee of the genus Apis, which lives in communities and collects honey, esp. the common domesticated hive bee (Apis mellifica), the Italian bee (A. ligustica), and the Arabiab bee (A. fasciata). The two latter are by many entomologists considered only varieties of the common hive bee. Each swarm of bees consists of a large number of workers (barren females), with, ordinarily, one queen or fertile female, but in the swarming season several young queens, and a number of males or dr
Liberty :: Liberty (n.) The place within which certain immunities are enjoyed, or jurisdiction is exercised..
Communities :: Communities (pl. ) of Communit.
Commerce :: Commerce (n.) The exchange or buying and selling of commodities; esp. the exchange of merchandise, on a large scale, between different places or communities; extended trade or traffic..
Dominican :: Dominican (a.) Of or pertaining to St. Dominic (Dominic de Guzman), or to the religions communities named from him..
Utilize :: Utilize (v. t.) To make useful; to turn to profitable account or use; to make use of; as, to utilize the whole power of a machine; to utilize one's opportunities..
Regret :: Regret (v. t.) To experience regret on account of; to lose or miss with a sense of regret; to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction on account of (the happening or the loss of something); as, to regret an error; to regret lost opportunities or friends..
Hygiene :: Hygiene (n.) That department of sanitary science which treats of the preservation of health, esp. of households and communities; a system of principles or rules designated for the promotion of health..
Immunities :: Immunities (pl. ) of Immunit.
Credit :: Credit (n.) Trust given or received; expectation of future playment for property transferred, or of fulfillment or promises given; mercantile reputation entitling one to be trusted; -- applied to individuals, corporations, communities, or nations; as, to buy goods on credit..
Account :: Account (v. i.) To render an account; to answer in judgment; -- with for; as, we must account for the use of our opportunities..
Opportunism :: Opportunism (n.) The art or practice of taking advantage of opportunities or circumstances, or of seeking immediate advantage with little regard for ultimate consequences..
Town :: Town (adv. & prep.) Any collection of houses larger than a village, and not incorporated as a city; also, loosely, any large, closely populated place, whether incorporated or not, in distinction from the country, or from rural communities..
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