Definition of turkis

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Turkis (n.) Turquois.

Lern More About Turkis

Usbeks :: Usbeks (n. pl.) A Turkish tribe which about the close of the 15th century conquered, and settled in, that part of Asia now called Turkestan..
Oke :: Oke (n.) A Turkish and Egyptian weight, equal to about 2/ pounds..
Porte :: Porte (n.) The Ottoman court; the government of the Turkish empire, officially called the Sublime Porte, from the gate (port) of the sultan's palace at which justice was administered..
Alizarin :: Alizarin (n.) A coloring principle, C14H6O2(OH)2, found in madder, and now produced artificially from anthracene. It produces the Turkish reds..
Gonfalonier :: Gonfalonier (n.) A Turkish general, and standard keeper..
Crescent :: Crescent (n.) The emblem of the Turkish Empire, adopted after the taking of Constantinople..
Pic :: Pic (n.) A Turkish cloth measure, varying from 18 to 28 inches..
Effendi :: Effendi (n.) Master; sir; -- a title of a Turkish state official and man of learning, especially one learned in the law..
Janizary :: "Janizary (n.) A soldier of a privileged military class, which formed the nucleus of the Turkish infantry, but was suppressed in 1826..
Cadilesker :: Cadilesker (n.) A chief judge in the Turkish empire, so named originally because his jurisdiction extended to the cases of soldiers, who are now tried only by their own officers..
Bey :: Bey (n.) A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominions; also, in some places, a prince or nobleman; a beg; as, the bey of Tunis..
Spahee :: Spahee (n.) Formerly, one of the Turkish cavalry..
Kussier :: Kussier (n.) (Mus.) A Turkish instrument of music, with a hollow body covered with skin, over which five strings are stretched..
Kiosk :: Kiosk (n.) A Turkish open summer house or pavilion, supported by pillars..
Waywode :: Waywode (n.) Originally, the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces. It was assumed for a time by the rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia, who were afterwards called hospodars, and has also been given to some inferior Turkish officers..
Crotalo :: Crotalo (n.) A Turkish musical instrument.
Seljuckian :: Seljuckian (n.) A member of the family of Seljuk; an adherent of that family, or subject of its government; (pl.) the dynasty of Turkish sultans sprung from Seljuk..
Hatti-sherif :: Hatti-sherif (n.) A irrevocable Turkish decree countersigned by the sultan.
Turcism :: Turcism (n.) A mode of speech peculiar to the Turks; a Turkish idiom or expression; also, in general, a Turkish mode or custom..
Tartar :: Tartar (n.) A native or inhabitant of Tartary in Asia; a member of any one of numerous tribes, chiefly Moslem, of Turkish origin, inhabiting the Russian Europe; -- written also, more correctly but less usually, Tatar..
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