Definition of torture

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Torture (v. t.) To wrest from the proper meaning; to distort.

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Tortured :: Tortured (imp. & p. p.) of Tortur.
Strapper :: Strappado (v. t.) To punish or torture by the strappado.
Pretorture :: Pretorture (v. t.) To torture beforehand.
Engine :: Engine (v. t.) (Pronounced, in this sense, /////.) To rack; to torture..
Torture :: Torture (v. t.) To keep on the stretch, as a bow..
Tormentor :: Tormentor (n.) One who, or that which, torments; one who inflicts penal anguish or tortures..
Wheel :: Wheel (n.) An instrument of torture formerly used.
Pine :: Pine (v.) To inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict.
Rack :: Rack (v. t.) To extend by the application of force; to stretch or strain; specifically, to stretch on the rack or wheel; to torture by an engine which strains the limbs and pulls the joints..
Torturous :: Torturous (a.) Involving, or pertaining to, torture..
Torture :: Torture (v. t.) To punish with torture; to put to the rack; as, to torture an accused person..
Torturer :: Torturer (n.) One who tortures; a tormentor.
Excruciate :: Excruciate (v. t.) To inflict agonizing pain upon; to torture; to torment greatly; to rack; as, to excruciate the heart or the body..
Picket :: Picket (v. t.) To torture by compelling to stand with one foot on a pointed stake.
Forcipation :: Forcipation (n.) Torture by pinching with forceps or pinchers.
Torture :: Torture (v. t.) To put to torture; to pain extremely; to harass; to vex.
Starched :: Star-chamber (n.) An ancient high court exercising jurisdiction in certain cases, mainly criminal, which sat without the intervention of a jury. It consisted of the king's council, or of the privy council only with the addition of certain judges. It could proceed on mere rumor or examine witnesses; it could apply torture. It was abolished by the Long Parliament in 1641..
Excruciate :: Excruciate (a.) Excruciated; tortured.
Thumbkin :: Thumbkin (n.) An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew.
Brake :: Brake (v. t.) An ancient instrument of torture.
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