Definition of torment

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Torment (n.) That which gives pain, vexation, or misery..

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Infliction :: Infliction (n.) The act of inflicting or imposing; as, the infliction of torment, or of punishment..
Wrack :: Wrack (v. t.) To rack; to torment.
Baiter :: Baiter (n.) One who baits; a tormentor.
Mara :: Mara (n.) A female demon who torments people in sleep by crouching on their chests or stomachs, or by causing terrifying visions..
Tormentil :: Tormentil (n.) A rosaceous herb (Potentilla Tormentilla), the root of which is used as a powerful astringent, and for alleviating gripes, or tormina, in diarrhea..
Furial :: Furial (a.) Furious; raging; tormenting.
Pain :: Pain (n.) To put to bodily uneasiness or anguish; to afflict with uneasy sensations of any degree of intensity; to torment; to torture; as, his dinner or his wound pained him; his stomach pained him..
Crucify :: Crucify (v. t.) To vex or torment.
Tormentise :: Tormentise (n.) Torture; torment.
Torment :: Torment (n.) An engine for casting stones.
Bullfighting :: Bullfighting (n.) A barbarous sport, of great antiquity, in which men torment, and fight with, a bull or bulls in an arena, for public amusement, -- still popular in Spain..
Twinge :: Twinge (v. i.) To affect with a sharp, sudden pain; to torment with pinching or sharp pains..
Distrain :: Distrain (v. t.) To press heavily upon; to bear down upon with violence; hence, to constrain or compel; to bind; to distress, torment, or afflict..
Martyr :: Martyr (v. t.) To persecute; to torment; to torture.
Bedevil :: Bedevil (v. t.) To throw into utter disorder and confusion, as if by the agency of evil spirits; to bring under diabolical influence; to torment..
Pang :: Pang (v. t.) To torture; to cause to have great pain or suffering; to torment.
Worry :: Worry (v. t.) To harass or beset with importunity, or with care an anxiety; to vex; to annoy; to torment; to tease; to fret; to trouble; to plague..
Harrow :: Harrow (n.) To break or tear, as with a harrow; to wound; to lacerate; to torment or distress; to vex..
Septfoil :: Septfoil (n.) A European herb, the tormentil. See Tormentil..
Excruciable :: Excruciable (a.) Liable to torment.
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