Definition of tooth

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Tooth (n.) An angular or prominence on any edge; as, a tooth on the scale of a fish, or on a leaf of a plant.

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Denticle :: Denticle (n.) A small tooth or projecting point.
Dentifrice :: Dentifrice (n.) A powder or other substance to be used in cleaning the teeth; tooth powder.
Rake :: Rake (n.) A toothed machine drawn by a horse, -- used for collecting hay or grain; a horserake..
Retaliation :: Retaliation (n.) The act of retaliating, or of returning like for like; retribution; now, specifically, the return of evil for evil; e.g., an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth..
Gradine :: Gradine (n.) A toothed chised by sculptors.
Crenation :: Crenation (n.) A rounded tooth on the edge of a leaf.
Premolar :: Premolar (n.) An anterior molar tooth which has replaced a deciduous molar. See Tooth.
Odontoblast :: Odontoblast (n.) One of the more or less columnar cells on the outer surface of the pulp of a tooth; an odontoplast. They are supposed to be connected with the formation of dentine.
Carious :: Carious (a.) Affected with caries; decaying; as, a carious tooth..
Heron :: Heron (n.) Any wading bird of the genus Ardea and allied genera, of the family Ardeidae. The herons have a long, sharp bill, and long legs and toes, with the claw of the middle toe toothed. The common European heron (Ardea cinerea) is remarkable for its directly ascending flight, and was formerly hunted with the larger falcons..
Tooth :: Tooth (v. t.) To lock into each other. See Tooth, n., 4..
Cutter :: Cutter (n.) A fore tooth; an incisor.
Gat-toothed :: Gat-toothed (a.) Goat-toothed; having a lickerish tooth; lustful; wanton.
Bicuspid :: Bicuspid (n.) One of the two double-pointed teeth which intervene between the canines (cuspids) and the molars, on each side of each jaw. See Tooth, n..
Dentilated :: Dentilated (a.) Toothed.
Ichthyornis :: Ichthyornis (n.) An extinct genus of toothed birds found in the American Cretaceous formation. It is remarkable for having biconcave vertebrae, and sharp, conical teeth set in sockets. Its wings were well developed. It is the type of the order Odontotormae..
File :: File (v. t.) To rub, smooth, or cut away, with a file; to sharpen with a file; as, to file a saw or a tooth..
Tooth :: Tooth (n.) Any hard calcareous or chitinous organ found in the mouth of various invertebrates and used in feeding or procuring food; as, the teeth of a mollusk or a starfish..
Toothache :: Toothache (n.) Pain in a tooth or in the teeth; odontalgia.
Tusk :: Tusk (n.) A projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets. Thus, in the illustration, a is the tusk, and each of the several parts, or offsets, is called a tooth..
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