Definition of toot

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of toot is as below...

Toot (v. t.) To see; to spy.

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Denticulation :: Denticulation (n.) A diminutive tooth; a denticle.
Toot :: Toot (v. i.) To peep; to look narrowly.
Serratirostral :: Serratirostral (a.) Having a toothed bill, like that of a toucan..
Tusk :: Tusk (n.) A toothshell, or Dentalium; -- called also tusk-shell..
Odontalgia :: Odontalgia (n.) Toothache.
Eroded :: Eroded (p. p. & a.) Having the edge worn away so as to be jagged or irregularly toothed.
Multidentate :: Multidentate (a.) Having many teeth, or toothlike processes..
Alveolus :: Alveolus (n.) A small depression, sac, or vesicle, as the socket of a tooth, the air cells of the lungs, the ultimate saccules of glands, etc..
Dogtooth :: Dogtooth (n.) See Canine tooth, under Canine..
Sectorial :: Sectorial (n.) A sectorial, or carnassial, tooth..
Luscious :: Luscious (a.) Sweet; delicious; very grateful to the taste; toothsome; excessively sweet or rich.
Depth :: Depth (n.) A pair of toothed wheels which work together.
Eyeteeth :: Eyeteeth (pl. ) of Eyetoot.
Odontolite :: Odontolite (n.) A fossil tooth colored a bright blue by phosphate of iron. It is used as an imitation of turquoise, and hence called bone turquoise..
Scrimshaw :: Scrimshaw (n.) A shell, a whale's tooth, or the like, that is scrimshawed..
Dentigerous :: Dentigerous (a.) Bearing teeth or toothlike structures.
Fang :: Fang (v. t.) The tusk of an animal, by which the prey is seized and held or torn; a long pointed tooth; esp., one of the usually erectile, venomous teeth of serpents. Also, one of the falcers of a spider..
Canine :: Canine (n.) A canine tooth.
Prong :: Prong (n.) The fang of a tooth.
Carious :: Carious (a.) Affected with caries; decaying; as, a carious tooth..
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