Definition of ton

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Ton (n.) A measure of weight or quantity.

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Tonguy :: Tonguy (a.) Ready or voluble in speaking; as, a tonguy speaker..
Stoneweed :: Stoneware (n.) A species of coarse potter's ware, glazed and baked..
Fissilingual :: Fissilingual (a.) Having the tongue forked.
Soften :: Soften (v. t.) To make less glaring; to tone down; as, to soften the coloring of a picture..
Copplestone :: Copplestone (n.) A cobblestone.
Ceratospongiae :: Ceratospongiae (n. pl.) An order of sponges in which the skeleton consists of horny fibers. It includes all the commercial sponges.
Crossbones :: Crossbones (n. pl.) A representation of two of the leg bones or arm bones of a skeleton, laid crosswise, often surmounted with a skull, and serving as a symbol of death..
Glutton :: Glutton (n.) A carnivorous mammal (Gulo luscus), of the family Mustelidae, about the size of a large badger. It was formerly believed to be inordinately voracious, whence the name; the wolverene. It is a native of the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia..
Hyoglossal :: Hyoglossal (a.) Pertaining to or connecting the tongue and hyodean arch; as, the hyoglossal membrane..
Hoggish :: Hoggish (a.) Swinish; gluttonous; filthy; selfish.
Decalogue :: Decalogue (n.) The Ten Commandments or precepts given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, and originally written on two tables of stone..
Chekmak :: Chekmak (n.) A turkish fabric of silk and cotton, with gold thread interwoven..
Weasy :: Weasy (a.) Given to sensual indulgence; gluttonous.
Shipping :: Shipping (n.) The collective body of ships in one place, or belonging to one port, country, etc.; vessels, generally; tonnage..
Litho :: Litho () A combining form from Gr. li`qos, stone..
Springboard :: Springal (n.) An ancient military engine for casting stones and arrows by means of a spring.
Splanchnic :: Splanchnapophysis (n.) Any element of the skeleton in relation with the alimentary canal, as the jaws and hyoidean apparatus..
Beetle :: Beetle (v. t.) A machine in which fabrics are subjected to a hammering process while passing over rollers, as in cotton mills; -- called also beetling machine..
Breastplate :: Breastplate (n.) A part of the vestment of the high priest, worn upon the front of the ephod. It was a double piece of richly embroidered stuff, a span square, set with twelve precious stones, on which were engraved the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. See Ephod..
Boast :: Boast (v. t.) To dress, as a stone, with a broad chisel..
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