Definition of to

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To (prep.) Effect; end; consequence; as, the prince was flattered to his ruin; he engaged in a war to his cost; violent factions exist to the prejudice of the state..

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Diacatholicon :: Diacatholicon (n.) A universal remedy; -- name formerly to a purgative electuary.
Marsupial :: Marsupial (a.) Having a pouch for carrying the immature young; of or pertaining to the Marsupialia.
Tonnage :: Tonnage (n.) A duty or impost on vessels, estimated per ton, or, a duty, toll, or rate payable on goods per ton transported on canals..
Administratorship :: Administratorship (n.) The position or office of an administrator.
Bluster :: Bluster (v. t.) To utter, or do, with noisy violence; to force by blustering; to bully..
Equidiurnal :: Equidiurnal (a.) Pertaining to the time of equal day and night; -- applied to the equinoctial line.
Disedify :: Disedify (v. t.) To fail of edifying; to injure.
Like :: Like (a.) To be pleased with in a moderate degree; to approve; to take satisfaction in; to enjoy.
Combine :: Combine (v. t.) To bind; to hold by a moral tie.
Agony :: Agony (n.) Pain so extreme as to cause writhing or contortions of the body, similar to those made in the athletic contests in Greece; and hence, extreme pain of mind or body; anguish; paroxysm of grief; specifically, the sufferings of Christ in the garden of Gethsemane..
Heir :: Heir (n.) One who inherits, or is entitled to succeed to the possession of, any property after the death of its owner; one on whom the law bestows the title or property of another at the death of the latter..
Hum :: Hum (v. i.) To have the sensation of a humming noise; as, my head hums, -- a pathological condition..
Transfusion :: Transfusion (n.) The act of transfusing, or pouring, as liquor, out of one vessel into another..
Lion''s Leaf :: Lion's leaf () A South European plant of the genus Leontice (L. leontopetalum), the tuberous roots of which contain so much alkali that they are sometimes used as a substitute for soap..
Chirk :: Chirk (v. i.) To shriek; to gnash; to utter harsh or shrill cries.
Tonca Bean :: Tonca bean () See Tonka bean.
Come :: Come (n.) To move hitherward; to draw near; to approach the speaker, or some place or person indicated; -- opposed to go..
Ploughfoot :: Ploughfoot (n.) An adjustable staff formerly attached to the plow beam to determine the depth of the furrow.
Anglican :: Anglican (a.) Pertaining to, characteristic of, or held by, the high church party of the Church of England..
Creeper :: Creeper (n.) A kind of patten mounted on short pieces of iron instead of rings; also, a fixture with iron points worn on a shoe to prevent one from slipping..
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