Definition of titled

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Titled (a.) Having or bearing a title.

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Burgher :: Burgher (n.) A freeman of a burgh or borough, entitled to enjoy the privileges of the place; any inhabitant of a borough..
Beneficial :: Beneficial (a.) Receiving, or entitled to have or receive, advantage, use, or benefit; as, the beneficial owner of an estate..
Nobility :: Nobility (n.) Those who are noble; the collictive body of nobles or titled persons in a stste; the aristocratic and patrician class; the peerage; as, the English nobility..
Debentured :: Debentured (a.) Entitled to drawback or debenture; as, debentured goods..
Credible :: Credible (a.) Capable of being credited or believed; worthy of belief; entitled to confidence; trustworthy.
Heir :: Heir (n.) One who inherits, or is entitled to succeed to the possession of, any property after the death of its owner; one on whom the law bestows the title or property of another at the death of the latter..
Dowress :: Dowress (n.) A woman entitled to dower.
Citizen :: Citizen (n.) A person, native or naturalized, of either sex, who owes allegiance to a government, and is entitled to reciprocal protection from it..
Worshipful :: Worshipful (a.) Entitled to worship, reverence, or high respect; claiming respect; worthy of honor; -- often used as a term of respect, sometimes ironically..
Admissible :: Admissible (a.) Entitled to be admitted, or worthy of being admitted; that may be allowed or conceded; allowable; as, the supposition is hardly admissible..
Great :: Great (superl.) Entitled to earnest consideration; weighty; important; as, a great argument, truth, or principle..
Locator :: Locator (n.) One who locates, or is entitled to locate, land or a mining claim..
Neighbor :: Neighbor (n.) One entitled to, or exhibiting, neighborly kindness; hence, one of the human race; a fellow being..
Clergyable :: Clergyable (a.) Entitled to, or admitting, the benefit of clergy; as, a clergyable felony..
Commons :: Commons (n. pl.) The mass of the people, as distinguished from the titled classes or nobility; the commonalty; the common people..
Coroneted :: Coroneted (a.) Wearing, or entitled to wear, a coronet; of noble birth or rank..
Ringer :: Ringer (n.) A horse that is not entitled to take part in a race, but is fraudulently got into it..
Primogeniture :: Primogeniture (a.) The exclusive right of inheritance which belongs to the eldest son. Thus in England the right of inheriting the estate of the father belongs to the eldest son, and in the royal family the eldest son of the sovereign is entitled to the throne by primogeniture. In exceptional cases, among the female children, the crown descends by right of primogeniture to the eldest daughter only and her issue..
Preterition :: Preterition (n.) The omission by a testator of some one of his heirs who is entitled to a portion.
Titled :: Titled (a.) Having or bearing a title.
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