Definition of tight

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Tight (superl.) Fitting close, or too close, to the body; as, a tight coat or other garment..

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Nip :: Nip (v. t.) To catch and inclose or compress tightly between two surfaces, or points which are brought together or closed; to pinch; to close in upon..
Jam :: Jam (v. t.) To press into a close or tight position; to crowd; to squeeze; to wedge in.
Clinch :: Clinch (v. t.) To hold firmly; to hold fast by grasping or embracing tightly.
Tith :: Tith (a.) Tight; nimble.
Tight :: Tight (v. t.) To tighten.
Tightly :: Tightly (adv.) In a tight manner; closely; nearly.
Twist :: Twist (n.) One of the threads of a warp, -- usually more tightly twisted than the filling..
Overwind :: Overwind (v. t.) To wind too tightly, as a spring, or too far, as a hoisting rope on a drum..
Strait :: Strait (superl.) Tight; close; closely fitting.
Springal :: Spring (v. i.) A line led from a vessel's quarter to her cable so that by tightening or slacking it she can be made to lie in any desired position; a line led diagonally from the bow or stern of a vessel to some point upon the wharf to which she is moored.
Air-tight :: Air-tight (a.) So tight as to be impermeable to air; as, an air-tight cylinder..
Tight :: Tight (superl.) Firmly held together; compact; not loose or open; as, tight cloth; a tight knot..
Swig :: Swig (v. t.) To castrate, as a ram, by binding the testicles tightly with a string, so that they mortify and slough off..
Steeving :: Steeve (n.) A spar, with a block at one end, used in stowing cotton bales, and similar kinds of cargo which need to be packed tightly..
Tight :: Tight (superl.) Not ragged; whole; neat; tidy.
Camptight :: Camptight (n.) A duel; the decision of a case by a duel.
Sinch :: Sinch (v. t.) To gird with a sinch; to tighten the sinch or girth of (a saddle); as, to sinch up a sadle..
Take-up :: Take-up (n.) That which takes up or tightens; specifically, a device in a sewing machine for drawing up the slack thread as the needle rises, in completing a stitch..
Gastight :: Gastight (a.) So tightly fitted as to preclude the escape of gas; impervious to gas.
Packing :: Packing (n.) A yielding ring, as of metal, which surrounds a piston and maintains a tight fit, as inside a cylinder, etc..
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