Definition of thing

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of thing is as below...

Thing (n.) An inanimate object, in distinction from a living being; any lifeless material..

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Predetermine :: Predetermine (v. t.) To determine (something) beforehand.
Else :: Else (a. & pron.) Other; one or something beside; as, Who else is coming? What else shall I give? Do you expect anything else?.
Imprecate :: Imprecate (v. t.) To call down by prayer, as something hurtful or calamitous..
Mumble :: Mumble (v.) To chew something gently with closed lips.
Anthropomorphism :: Anthropomorphism (n.) The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.
Personable :: Personable (a.) Having capacity to take anything granted.
Rubber :: Rubber (n.) Something that chafes or annoys; hence, something that grates on the feelings; a sarcasm; a rub..
Regret :: Regret (v. t.) To experience regret on account of; to lose or miss with a sense of regret; to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction on account of (the happening or the loss of something); as, to regret an error; to regret lost opportunities or friends..
Show :: Show (v. t.) To exhibit or present to view; to place in sight; to display; -- the thing exhibited being the object, and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding; as, to show a house; show your colors; shopkeepers show customers goods (show goods to customers)..
Scrap :: Scrap (v. t.) Specifically, a fragment of something written or printed; a brief excerpt; an unconnected extract..
Fatalist :: Fatalist (n.) One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity.
Tab :: Tab (n.) A loop for pulling or lifting something.
Fate :: Fate (n.) A fixed decree by which the order of things is prescribed; the immutable law of the universe; inevitable necessity; the force by which all existence is determined and conditioned.
Naturism :: Naturism (n.) The belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent.
Lamella :: Lamella (n.) a thin plate or scale of anything, as a thin scale growing from the petals of certain flowers; or one of the thin plates or scales of which certain shells are composed..
Photoscope :: Photoscope (n.) Anything employed for the observation of light or luminous effects.
Indent :: Indent (n.) A cut or notch in the man gin of anything, or a recess like a notch..
Ex Postfacto :: Ex postfacto () From or by an after act, or thing done afterward; in consequence of a subsequent act; retrospective..
Remark :: Remark (n.) The expression, in speech or writing, of something remarked or noticed; the mention of that which is worthy of attention or notice; hence, also, a casual observation, comment, or statement; as, a pertinent remark..
Partiality :: Partiality (n.) A predilection or inclination to one thing rather than to others; special taste or liking; as, a partiality for poetry or painting..
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