Definition of testa

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Testa (n.) The outer integument of a seed; the episperm, or spermoderm..

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Administratrix :: Administratrix (n.) A woman who administers; esp., one who administers the estate of an intestate, or to whom letters of administration have been granted; a female administrator..
Protestation :: Protestation (n.) The act of making a protest; a public avowal; a solemn declaration, especially of dissent..
Inofficious :: Inofficious (a.) Regardless of natural obligation; contrary to natural duty; unkind; -- commonly said of a testament made without regard to natural obligation, or by which a child is unjustly deprived of inheritance..
Ecclesiastes :: Ecclesiastes (a.) One of the canonical books of the Old Testament.
King :: King (n.) The title of two historical books in the Old Testament.
Subsilicate :: Subsinnation (n.) The act of writing the name under something, as for attestation..
Abominable :: Abominable (a.) Worthy of, or causing, abhorrence, as a thing of evil omen; odious in the utmost degree; very hateful; detestable; loathsome; execrable..
Hexateuch :: Hexateuch (n.) The first six books of the Old Testament.
Abhor :: Abhor (v. t.) To shrink back with shuddering from; to regard with horror or detestation; to feel excessive repugnance toward; to detest to extremity; to loathe.
Attestative :: Attestative (a.) Of the nature of attestation.
Waldenses :: Waldenses (n. pl.) A sect of dissenters from the ecclesiastical system of the Roman Catholic Church, who in the 13th century were driven by persecution to the valleys of Piedmont, where the sect survives. They profess substantially Protestant principles..
Will :: Will (n.) To give or direct the disposal of by testament; to bequeath; to devise; as, to will one's estate to a child; also, to order or direct by testament; as, he willed that his nephew should have his watch..
Writ :: Writ (n.) That which is written; writing; scripture; -- applied especially to the Scriptures, or the books of the Old and New testaments; as, sacred writ..
Reformed :: Reformed (a.) Corrected; amended; restored to purity or excellence; said, specifically, of the whole body of Protestant churches originating in the Reformation. Also, in a more restricted sense, of those who separated from Luther on the doctrine of consubstantiation, etc., and carried the Reformation, as they claimed, to a higher point. The Protestant churches founded by them in Switzerland, France, Holland, and part of Germany, were called the Reformed churches..
Condition :: Condition (n.) A clause in a contract, or agreement, which has for its object to suspend, to defeat, or in some way to modify, the principal obligation; or, in case of a will, to suspend, revoke, or modify a devise or bequest. It is also the case of a future uncertain event, which may or may not happen, and on the occurrence or non-occurrence of which, the accomplishment, recission, or modification of an obligation or testamentary disposition is made to depend..
Apocalypse :: Apocalypse (n.) The revelation delivered to St. John, in the isle of Patmos, near the close of the first century, forming the last book of the New Testament..
Blasted :: Blasted (a.) Confounded; accursed; detestable.
Septuagint :: Septuagint (n.) A Greek version of the Old Testament; -- so called because it was believed to be the work of seventy (or rather of seventy-two) translators.
Hexapla :: Hexapla (sing.) A collection of the Holy Scriptures in six languages or six versions in parallel columns; particularly, the edition of the Old Testament published by Origen, in the 3d century..
Testacy :: Testacy (n.) The state or circumstance of being testate, or of leaving a valid will, or testament, at death..
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