Definition of task

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Task (v. t.) To impose a task upon; to assign a definite amount of business, labor, or duty to..

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Overtax :: Overtax (v. t.) To tax or to task too heavily.
Task :: Task (v. t.) To charge; to tax; as with a fault.
Dispatchful :: Dispatchful (a.) Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task; indicating haste; quick; as, dispatchful looks..
Jade :: Jade (v. t.) To exhaust by overdriving or long-continued labor of any kind; to tire or wear out by severe or tedious tasks; to harass.
Thankless :: Thankless (a.) Not obtaining or deserving thanks; unacceptable; as, a thankless task..
Something :: Something (n.) Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing..
Task :: Task (v.) Labor or study imposed by another, often in a definite quantity or amount..
Diurnal :: Diurnal (a.) Daily; recurring every day; performed in a day; going through its changes in a day; constituting the measure of a day; as, a diurnal fever; a diurnal task; diurnal aberration, or diurnal parallax; the diurnal revolution of the earth..
Exercise :: Exercise (n.) That which is done for the sake of exercising, practicing, training, or promoting skill, health, mental, improvement, moral discipline, etc.; that which is assigned or prescribed for such ends; hence, a disquisition; a lesson; a task; as, military or naval exercises; musical exercises; an exercise in composition..
Char :: Char (n.) Work done by the day; a single job, or task; a chore..
Overtask :: Overtask (v. t.) To task too heavily.
Self-imposed :: Self-imposed (a.) Voluntarily taken on one's self; as, self-imposed tasks..
Light :: Light (superl.) Easy to be endured or performed; not severe; not difficult; as, a light affliction or task..
Hercules :: Hercules (n.) A hero, fabled to have been the son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and celebrated for great strength, esp. for the accomplishment of his twelve great tasks or labors..
Flunk :: Flunk (v. t.) To fail in; to shirk, as a task or duty..
Eating :: Eating (n.) The act of tasking food; the act of consuming or corroding.
Tasker :: Tasker (n.) One who imposes a task.
Complete :: Complete (v. t.) To bring to a state in which there is no deficiency; to perfect; to consummate; to accomplish; to fulfill; to finish; as, to complete a task, or a poem; to complete a course of education..
Tasker :: Tasker (n.) One who performs a task, as a day-laborer..
Attask :: Attask (v. t.) To take to task; to blame.
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