Definition of taking

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Taking (n.) Agitation; excitement; distress of mind.

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Motive :: Motive (n.) That which produces conception, invention, or creation in the mind of the artist in undertaking his subject; the guiding or controlling idea manifested in a work of art, or any part of one..
Grainer :: Grainer (n.) A knife for taking the hair off skins.
Unsaturated :: Unsaturated (a.) Capable of taking up, or of uniting with, certain other elements or compounds, without the elimination of any side product; thus, aldehyde, ethylene, and ammonia are unsaturated..
Macaranga Gum :: Macaranga gum () A gum of a crimson color, obtained from a tree (Macaranga Indica) that grows in the East Indies. It is used in taking impressions of coins, medallions, etc., and sometimes as a medicine..
Gulp :: Gulp (n.) The act of taking a large mouthful; a swallow, or as much as is awallowed at once..
Fisherman :: Fisherman (n.) A ship or vessel employed in the business of taking fish, as in the cod fishery..
Narrow :: Narrow (v. t.) To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one..
Ademption :: Ademption (n.) The revocation or taking away of a grant donation, legacy, or the like..
Neutral :: Neutral (a.) Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent.
Impracticable :: Impracticable (a.) Not practicable; incapable of being performed, or accomplished by the means employed, or at command; impossible; as, an impracticable undertaking..
Fortune :: Fortune (n.) That which comes as the result of an undertaking or of a course of action; good or ill success; especially, favorable issue; happy event; success; prosperity as reached partly by chance and partly by effort..
Pool :: Pool (n.) A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole; also, in public billiard rooms, a game in which the loser pays the entrance fee for all who engage in the game; a game of skill in pocketing the balls on a pool table..
Recapture :: Recapture (n.) The act of retaking or recovering by capture; especially, the retaking of a prize or goods from a captor..
Pot :: Pot (v. t.) To drain; as, to pot sugar, by taking it from the cooler, and placing it in hogsheads, etc., having perforated heads, through which the molasses drains off..
Angelical :: Angelical (a.) Belonging to, or proceeding from, angels; resembling, characteristic of, or partaking of the nature of, an angel; heavenly; divine..
Levy :: Levy (n.) The taking or seizure of property on executions to satisfy judgments, or on warrants for the collection of taxes; a collecting by execution..
Scumming :: Scumming (n.) The act of taking off scum.
Subtraction :: Subtraction (n.) The act or operation of subtracting or taking away a part.
Dipping :: Dipping (n.) The practice of taking snuff by rubbing the teeth or gums with a stick or brush dipped in snuff.
Lap :: Lap (v. i.) To make a sound like that produced by taking up drink with the tongue.
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