Definition of bey

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Bey (n.) A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominions; also, in some places, a prince or nobleman; a beg; as, the bey of Tunis..

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Superstrain :: Superstitious (a.) Overexact; scrupulous beyond need.
Prominent :: Prominent (a.) Standing out, or projecting, beyond the line surface of something; jutting; protuberant; in high relief; as, a prominent figure on a vase..
Nebula :: Nebula (n.) A faint, cloudlike, self-luminous mass of matter situated beyond the solar system among the stars. True nebulae are gaseous; but very distant star clusters often appear like them in the telescope..
Disobeyer :: Disobeyer (n.) One who disobeys.
Sure :: Sure (superl.) Certainly knowing and believing; confident beyond doubt; implicity trusting; unquestioning; positive.
Protuberance :: Protuberance (n.) That which is protuberant swelled or pushed beyond the surrounding or adjacent surface; a swelling or tumor on the body; a prominence; a bunch or knob; an elevation.
Overcloy :: Overcloy (v. t.) To fill beyond satiety.
Adulation :: Adulation (n.) Servile flattery; praise in excess, or beyond what is merited..
Outsee :: Outsee (v. t.) To see beyond; to excel in cer/ainty of seeing; to surpass in foresight.
Superplant :: Superphysical (a.) Above or beyond physics; not explainable by physical laws.
Bifid :: Bifid (a.) Cleft to the middle or slightly beyond the middle; opening with a cleft; divided by a linear sinus, with straight margins..
Castle :: Castle (v. i.) To move the castle to the square next to king, and then the king around the castle to the square next beyond it, for the purpose of covering the king..
Hyperborean :: Hyperborean (a.) Of or pertaining to the region beyond the North wind, or to its inhabitants..
Supra-acromial :: Supra (adv.) Over; above; before; also, beyond; besides; -- much used as a prefix..
Extramundane :: Extramundane (a.) Beyond the material world.
Secure :: Secure (v. t.) To put beyond hazard of losing or of not receiving; to make certain; to assure; to insure; -- frequently with against or from, rarely with of; as, to secure a creditor against loss; to secure a debt by a mortgage..
Extralimitary :: Extralimitary (a.) Being beyond the limit or bounds; as, extraliminary land..
Inexcusably :: Inexcusably (adv.) With a degree of guilt or folly beyond excuse or justification.
Outboard :: Outboard (a. & adv.) Beyond or outside of the lines of a vessel's bulwarks or hull; in a direction from the hull or from the keel; -- opposed to inboard; as, outboard rigging; swing the davits outboard..
Extraneity :: Extraneity (n.) State of being without or beyond a thing; foreignness.
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