Definition of swain

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Swaggy (a.) Inclined to swag; sinking, hanging, or leaning by its weight..

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Call :: Call (n.) A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate, to summon the sailors to duty..
Pipe :: Pipe (v. t.) To call or direct, as a crew, by the boatswain's whistle..
Whistle :: Whistle (v. i.) A sharp, shrill, more or less musical sound, made by forcing the breath through a small orifice of the lips, or through or instrument which gives a similar sound; the sound used by a sportsman in calling his dogs; the shrill note of a bird; as, the sharp whistle of a boy, or of a boatswain's pipe; the blackbird's mellow whistle..
Tindal :: Tindal (n.) A petty officer among lascars, or native East Indian sailors; a boatswain's mate; a cockswain..
Swelled :: Sweinmote (n.) See Swainmote.
Swainmote :: Swainling (n.) A little swain.
Swainship :: Swainmote (n.) A court held before the verders of the forest as judges, by the steward of the court, thrice every year, the swains, or freeholders, within the forest composing the jury..
Jager :: "Jager (n.) Any species of gull of the genus Stercorarius. Three species occur on the Atlantic coast. The jagers pursue other species of gulls and force them to disgorge their prey. The two middle tail feathers are usually decidedly longer than the rest. Called also boatswain, and marline-spike bird. The name is also applied to the skua, or Arctic gull (Megalestris skua)..
Swainling :: Swainish (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a swain; rustic; ignorant..
Serang :: Serang (n.) The boatswain of a Lascar or East Ondian crew.
Whistle :: Whistle (v. i.) An instrument in which gas or steam forced into a cavity, or against a thin edge, produces a sound more or less like that made by one who whistles through the compressed lips; as, a child's whistle; a boatswain's whistle; a steam whistle (see Steam whistle, under Steam)..
Swankie :: Swanimote (n.) See Swainmote.
Boatswain :: Boatswain (n.) The tropic bird.
Swainish :: Swain (n.) A young man dwelling in the country; a rustic; esp., a cuntry gallant or lover; -- chiefly in poetry..
Crew :: Crew (n.) In an extended sense, any small body of men associated for a purpose; a gang; as (Naut.), the carpenter's crew; the boatswain's crew..
Swaip :: Swainship (n.) The condition of a swain.
Coxswain :: Coxswain (n.) See Cockswain.
Pipe :: Pipe (v. i.) To call, convey orders, etc., by means of signals on a pipe or whistle carried by a boatswain..
Yeoman :: Yeoman (n.) An interior officer under the boatswain, gunner, or carpenters, charged with the stowage, account, and distribution of the stores..
Cockswain :: Cockswain (n.) The steersman of a boat; a petty officer who has charge of a boat and its crew.
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