Definition of sustained

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Suspired (a.) Ardently desired or longed for; earnestly coveted.

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Continuant :: Continuant (a.) Continuing; prolonged; sustained; as, a continuant sound..
Sostenuto :: Sostenuto (a.) Sustained; -- applied to a movement or passage the sounds of which are to sustained to the utmost of the nominal value of the time; also, to a passage the tones of which are to be somewhat prolonged or protacted..
Strain :: Strain (n.) Any sustained note or movement; a song; a distinct portion of an ode or other poem; also, the pervading note, or burden, of a song, poem, oration, book, etc.; theme; motive; manner; style; also, a course of action or conduct; as, he spoke in a noble strain; there was a strain of woe in his story; a strain of trickery appears in his career..
Protest :: Protest (v.) A declaration made by the master of a vessel before a notary, consul, or other authorized officer, upon his arrival in port after a disaster, stating the particulars of it, and showing that any damage or loss sustained was not owing to the fault of the vessel, her officers or crew, but to the perils of the sea, etc., ads the case may be, and protesting against them..
Dependent :: Dependent (n.) One who depends; one who is sustained by another, or who relies on another for support of favor; a hanger-on; a retainer; as, a numerous train of dependents..
Ode :: Ode (n.) A short poetical composition proper to be set to music or sung; a lyric poem; esp., now, a poem characterized by sustained noble sentiment and appropriate dignity of style..
Sustaining :: Sustained (imp. & p. p.) of Sustai.
Insecure :: Insecure (a.) Not effectually guarded, protected, or sustained; unsafe; unstable; exposed to danger or loss..
Butment :: Butment (n.) The mass of stone or solid work at the end of a bridge, by which the extreme arches are sustained, or by which the end of a bridge without arches is supported..
Equitable :: Equitable (a.) That can be sustained or made available or effective in a court of equity, or upon principles of equity jurisprudence; as, an equitable estate; equitable assets, assignment, mortgage, etc..
Sustainer :: Sustained (a.) Held up to a certain pitch, degree, or level; uniform; as, sustained pasion; a sustained style of writing; a sustained note in music..
Duplicity :: Duplicity (n.) Doubleness of heart or speech; insincerity; a sustained form of deception which consists in entertaining or pretending to entertain one of feelings, and acting as if influenced by another; bad faith..
Tent :: Tent (n.) A pavilion or portable lodge consisting of skins, canvas, or some strong cloth, stretched and sustained by poles, -- used for sheltering persons from the weather, especially soldiers in camp..
Sustain :: Sustain (v. t.) To allow the prosecution of; to admit as valid; to sanction; to continue; not to dismiss or abate; as, the court sustained the action or suit..
Lesion :: Lesion (n.) Loss sustained from failure to fulfill a bargain or contract.
Indemnity :: Indemnity (n.) Indemnification, compensation, or remuneration for loss, damage, or injury sustained..
Sustained :: Sustainable (a.) Capable of being sustained or maintained; as, the action is not sustainable..
Sustentation :: Sustentation (n.) The act of sustaining, or the state of being sustained; preservation from falling; support; sustenance; maintenance..
Load :: Load (v.) A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight; as, a heavy load..
Weak :: Weak (v. i.) Not having power to convince; not supported by force of reason or truth; unsustained; as, a weak argument or case..
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