Definition of summon

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Summoning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Summo.

Lern More About Summon

Tales :: Tales (syntactically sing.) The writ by which such persons are summoned.
Convene :: Convene (v. t.) To summon judicially to meet or appear.
Sumoom :: Sumner (n.) A summoner.
Summon :: Summon (v. t.) To call, bid, or cite; to notify to come to appear; -- often with up..
Requisition :: Requisition (v. t.) To present a requisition to; to summon request; as, to requisition a person to be a candidate..
Citation :: Citation (n.) An official summons or notice given to a person to appear; the paper containing such summons or notice.
Summoner :: Summon (v. t.) To call upon to surrender, as a fort..
Specially :: Specially (adv.) For a particular purpose; as, a meeting of the legislature is specially summoned..
Accite :: Accite (v. t.) To cite; to summon.
Bailiff :: Bailiff (n.) A sheriff's deputy, appointed to make arrests, collect fines, summon juries, etc..
Charm :: Charm (n.) To subdue, control, or summon by incantation or supernatural influence; to affect by magic..
Invoke :: Invoke (v. t.) To call on for aid or protection; to invite earnestly or solemnly; to summon; to address in prayer; to solicit or demand by invocation; to implore; as, to invoke the Supreme Being, or to invoke His and blessing..
Sompne :: Sompne (v. t.) To summon; to cite.
Co-respondent :: Co-respondent (n.) One who is called upon to answer a summons or other proceeding jointly with another.
Beckon :: Beckon (v. t.) To make a significant sign to; hence, to summon, as by a motion of the hand..
Calling :: Calling (n.) A divine summons or invitation; also, the state of being divinely called..
Call :: Call (n.) A divine vocation or summons.
Conjure :: Conjure (v. t.) To call on or summon by a sacred name or in solemn manner; to implore earnestly; to adjure.
Somner :: Somner (n.) A summoner; esp., one who summons to an ecclesiastical court..
Call :: Call (v. t.) To command or request to come or be present; to summon; as, to call a servant..
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