Definition of submission

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Submission (n.) Acknowledgement of a fault; confession of error.

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Resignedly :: Resignedly (adv.) With submission.
Submissive :: Submission (n.) An agreement by which parties engage to submit any matter of controversy between them to the decision of arbitrators.
Submission :: Submission (n.) The act of submitting; the act of yielding to power or authority; surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another; obedience; compliance.
Nonsubmission :: Nonsubmission (n.) Want of submission; failure or refusal to submit.
Reconcile :: Reconcile (v. t.) To bring to acquiescence, content, or quiet submission; as, to reconcile one's self to affictions..
Passiveness :: Passiveness (n.) The quality or state of being passive; unresisting submission.
Nonresistant :: Nonresistant (n.) One who maintains that no resistance should be made to constituted authority, even when unjustly or oppressively exercised; one who advocates or practices absolute submission; also, one who holds that violence should never be resisted by force..
Crave :: Crave (v. t.) To ask with earnestness or importunity; to ask with submission or humility; to beg; to entreat; to beseech; to implore.
Submission :: Submission (n.) The state of being submissive; acknowledgement of inferiority or dependence; humble or suppliant behavior; meekness; resignation.
Involuntary :: Involuntary (a.) Not proceeding from choice; done unwillingly; reluctant; compulsory; as, involuntary submission..
Tributary :: Tributary (n.) A ruler or state that pays tribute, or a stated sum, to a conquering power, for the purpose of securing peace and protection, or as an acknowledgment of submission, or for the purchase of security..
Dutiful :: Dutiful (a.) Performing, or ready to perform, the duties required by one who has the right to claim submission, obedience, or deference; submissive to natural or legal superiors; obedient, as to parents or superiors; as, a dutiful son or daughter; a dutiful ward or servant; a dutiful subject..
Insubmission :: Insubmission (n.) Want of submission; disobedience; noncompliance.
Nonresistance :: Nonresistance (n.) The principles or practice of a nonresistant; passive obedience; submission to authority, power, oppression, or violence without opposition..
Dragoon :: Dragoon (v. t.) To compel submission by violent measures; to harass; to persecute.
Bow :: Bow (n.) An inclination of the head, or a bending of the body, in token of reverence, respect, civility, or submission; an obeisance; as, a bow of deep humility..
Duty :: Duty (n.) Specifically, obedience or submission due to parents and superiors..
Irresistance :: Irresistance (n.) Nonresistance; passive submission.
Humility :: Humility (n.) An act of submission or courtesy.
Deference :: Deference (n.) A yielding of judgment or preference from respect to the wishes or opinion of another; submission in opinion; regard; respect; complaisance.
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