Definition of stool

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Stool (v. i.) To ramfy; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers..

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Cuttystool :: Cuttystool (n.) A seat in old Scottish churches, where offenders were made to sit, for public rebuke by the minister..
Kneeler :: Kneeler (n.) A cushion or stool to kneel on.
Stool :: Stool (v. i.) To ramfy; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers..
Trevet :: Trevet (n.) A stool or other thing supported by three legs; a trivet.
Faldstool :: Faldstool (n.) A folding stool, or portable seat, made to fold up in the manner of a camo stool. It was formerly placed in the choir for a bishop, when he offciated in any but his own cathedral church..
Cack :: Cack (v. i.) To ease the body by stool; to go to stool.
Stale :: Stale (v. t.) Something set, or offered to view, as an allurement to draw others to any place or purpose; a decoy; a stool pigeon..
Turn :: Turn (v. t.) To form in a lathe; to shape or fashion (anything) by applying a cutting tool to it while revolving; as, to turn the legs of stools or tables; to turn ivory or metal..
Cucking Stool :: Cucking stool () A kind of chair formerly used for punishing scolds, and also dishonest tradesmen, by fastening them in it, usually in front of their doors, to be pelted and hooted at by the mob, but sometimes to be taken to the water and ducked; -- called also a castigatory, a tumbrel, and a trebuchet; and often, but not so correctly, a ducking stool..
Stool :: Stool (n.) A plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil.
Trivet :: Trivet (n.) A tree-legged stool, table, or other support; especially, a stand to hold a kettle or similar vessel near the fire; a tripod..
Buffet :: Buffet (v. i.) A small stool; a stool for a buffet or counter.
Evacuation :: Evacuation (n.) That which is evacuated or discharged; especially, a discharge by stool or other natural means..
Tripod :: Tripod (n.) Any utensil or vessel, as a stool, table, altar, caldron, etc., supported on three feet..
Commode :: Commode (n.) A kind of close stool.
Tumbril :: Tumbril (n.) A cucking stool for the punishment of scolds.
Trestle :: Trestle (n.) A movable frame or support for anything, as scaffolding, consisting of three or four legs secured to a top piece, and forming a sort of stool or horse, used by carpenters, masons, and other workmen; also, a kind of framework of strong posts or piles, and crossbeams, for supporting a bridge, the track of a railway, or the like..
Bishop-stool :: Bishop-stool (n.) A bishop's seat or see.
Stool :: Stool (n.) A small channel on the side of a vessel, for the dead-eyes of the backstays..
Stool :: Stool (n.) A bench or form for resting the feet or the knees; a footstool; as, a kneeling stool..
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