Definition of stink

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Stinking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Stin.

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Stinkard :: Stinkard (n.) A mean, stinking, paltry fellow..
Putredinous :: Putredinous (a.) Proceeding from putrefaction, or partaking of the putrefactive process; having an offensive smell; stinking; rotten..
Swinesty :: Swinestone (n.) See Stinkstone.
Henbane :: Henbane (n.) A plant of the genus Hyoscyamus (H. niger). All parts of the plant are poisonous, and the leaves are used for the same purposes as belladonna. It is poisonous to domestic fowls; whence the name. Called also, stinking nightshade, from the fetid odor of the plant. See Hyoscyamus..
Stinkweed :: Stinkstone (n.) One of the varieties of calcite, barite, and feldspar, which emit a fetid odor on being struck; -- called also swinestone..
Stinkball :: Stinkard (n.) The teledu of the East Indies. It emits a disagreeable odor.
Stint :: Stinkwood (n.) A name given to several kinds of wood with an unpleasant smell, as that of the Foetidia Mauritiana of the Mauritius, and that of the South African Ocotea bullata..
Stinkhorn :: Stinker (n.) Any one of the several species of large antarctic petrels which feed on blubber and carrion and have an offensive odor, as the giant fulmar..
Stink :: Stink (v. i.) To emit a strong, offensive smell; to send out a disgusting odor..
Stramony :: Stramonium (n.) A poisonous plant (Datura Stramonium); stinkweed. See Datura, and Jamestown weed..
Fastilarian :: Fastilarian (n.) A low fellow; a stinkard; a scoundrel.
Anthraconite :: Anthraconite (n.) A coal-black marble, usually emitting a fetid smell when rubbed; -- called also stinkstone and swinestone..
Funk :: Funk (v. i.) To emit an offensive smell; to stink.
Stinkpot :: Stinkpot (n.) A vessel in which disinfectants are burned.
Stinking :: Stinkhorn (n.) A kind of fungus of the genus Phallus, which emits a fetid odor..
Stinkwood :: Stinkweed (n.) Stramonium. See Jamestown weed, and Datura..
Stenchy :: Stench (n.) To cause to emit a disagreeable odor; to cause to stink.
Phallus :: Phallus (n.) A genus of fungi which have a fetid and disgusting odor; the stinkhorn.
Ball :: Ball (n.) A flaming, roundish body shot into the air; a case filled with combustibles intended to burst and give light or set fire, or to produce smoke or stench; as, a fire ball; a stink ball..
Mundungus :: Mundungus (n.) A stinking tobacco.
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