Definition of stick

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Stick (n.) To penetrate with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to stab; hence, to kill by piercing; as, to stick a beast..

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Cowhage :: Cowhage (n.) A leguminous climbing plant of the genus Mucuna, having crooked pods covered with sharp hairs, which stick to the fingers, causing intolerable itching. The spiculae are sometimes used in medicine as a mechanical vermifuge..
Nick :: Nick (n.) A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in distribution..
Court-plaster :: Court-plaster (n.) Sticking plaster made by coating taffeta or silk on one side with some adhesive substance, commonly a mixture of isinglass and glycerin..
Cotton :: Cotton (v. i.) To take a liking to; to stick to one as cotton; -- used with to.
Nick :: Nick (v. t.) To make a nick or nicks in; to notch; to keep count of or upon by nicks; as, to nick a stick, tally, etc..
Hanger-on :: Hanger-on (n.) One who hangs on, or sticks to, a person, place, or service; a dependent; one who adheres to others' society longer than he is wanted..
Stick :: Stick (n.) To set; to fix in; as, to stick card teeth..
Stick :: Stick (n.) To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing stick; as, to stick type..
Stick :: Stick (n.) To run or plane (moldings) in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand. Such moldings are said to be stuck..
Staff :: Staff (n.) A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority; a badge of office; as, a constable's staff..
Thible :: Thible (n.) A slice; a skimmer; a spatula; a pudding stick.
Billsticker :: Billsticker (n.) One whose occupation is to post handbills or posters in public places.
Fustigation :: Fustigation (n.) A punishment by beating with a stick or club; cudgeling.
Lampad :: Lampad (n.) A lamp or candlestick.
Glanders :: Glanders (n.) A highly contagious and very destructive disease of horses, asses, mules, etc., characterized by a constant discharge of sticky matter from the nose, and an enlargement and induration of the glands beneath and within the lower jaw. It may transmitted to dogs, goats, sheep, and to human beings..
Knobstick :: Knobstick (n.) One who refuses to join, or withdraws from, a trades union..
Bastinado :: Bastinado (n.) A sound beating with a stick or cudgel. Specifically: A form of punishment among the Turks, Chinese, and others, consisting in beating an offender on the soles of his feet..
Mopstick :: Mopstick (n.) The long handle of a mop.
Kitcat :: Kitcat (n.) A game played by striking with a stick small piece of wood, called a cat, shaped like two cones united at their bases; tipcat..
Yard :: Yard (v. i.) A rod; a stick; a staff.
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