Definition of stepmother

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Stepladder (n.) A portable set of steps.

Lern More About Stepmother

Novercal :: Novercal (a.) Of or pertaining to a stepmother; suitable to, or in the manner of, a stepmother..
Stepparent :: Stepmother (n.) The wife of one's father by a subsequent marriage.
Steppe :: Stepparent (n.) Stepfather or stepmother.
Stepbrother :: Step- () A prefix used before father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, child, etc., to indicate that the person thus spoken of is not a blood relative, but is a relative by the marriage of a parent; as, a stepmother to X is the wife of the father of X, married by him after the death of the mother of X. See Stepchild, Stepdaughter, Stepson, etc..
Stepson :: Stepsister (n.) A daughter of one's stepfather or stepmother by a former marriage.
Stepdaughter :: Stepdame (n.) A stepmother.
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