Definition of stay

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Stay (v. i.) To hold out in a race or other contest; as, a horse stays well..

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Stayless :: Staylace (n.) A lace for fastening stays.
Parceling :: Parceling (n.) Long, narrow slips of canvas daubed with tar and wound about a rope like a bandage, before it is served; used, also, in mousing on the stayes, etc..
Outstand :: Outstand (v. t.) To stay beyond.
Tartan :: Tartan (n.) A small coasting vessel, used in the Mediterranean, having one mast carrying large leteen sail, and a bowsprit with staysail or jib..
Stay :: Stay (n.) Restraint of passion; moderation; caution; steadiness; sobriety.
Stop :: Stop (v. i.) To spend a short time; to reside temporarily; to stay; to tarry; as, to stop with a friend..
Avast :: Avast (a.) Cease; stop; stay.
Stayedness :: Stayedly (adv.) Staidly. See Staidly.
Expect :: Expect (v. t.) To wait; to stay.
Home-keeping :: Home-keeping (a.) Staying at home; not gadding.
Staysail :: Staynil (n.) The European starling.
Stick :: Stick (v. i.) To be prevented from going farther; to stop by reason of some obstacle; to be stayed.
Remain :: Remain (v. i.) To continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity; to abide; to stay; to endure; to last..
Anchorless :: Anchorless (a.) Without an anchor or stay. Hence: Drifting; unsettled.
Optional :: Optional (a.) Involving an option; depending on the exercise of an option; left to one's discretion or choice; not compulsory; as, optional studies; it is optional with you to go or stay..
Foresail :: Foresail (n.) The fore staysail of a sloop, being the triangular sail next forward of the mast..
Turn-buckle :: Turn-buckle (n.) A loop or sleeve with a screw thread at one end and a swivel at the other, -- used for tightening a rod, stay, etc..
Await :: Await (v. i.) To wait; to stay in waiting.
Persist :: Persist (v. i.) To stand firm; to be fixed and unmoved; to stay; to continue steadfastly; especially, to continue fixed in a course of conduct against opposing motives; to persevere; -- sometimes conveying an unfavorable notion, as of doggedness or obstinacy..
Haunt :: Haunt (v. i.) To persist in staying or visiting.
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