Definition of start

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Start (n.) The beginning, as of a journey or a course of action; first motion from a place; act of setting out; the outset; -- opposed to finish..

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Startlish :: Startlingly (adv.) In a startling manner.
Dodge :: Dodge (v. t.) To evade by a sudden shift of place; to escape by starting aside; as, to dodge a blow aimed or a ball thrown..
Startle :: Startling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Startl.
Start-up :: Startlish (a.) Easily startled; apt to start; startish; skittish; -- said especially of a hourse.
Stitch :: Stirte () imp. of Start, v. i. & t..
Start :: Start (v. t.) To pour out; to empty; to tap and begin drawing from; as, to start a water cask..
Set :: Set (v. t.) To give a pitch to, as a tune; to start by fixing the keynote; as, to set a psalm..
Ripper :: Ripper (n.) Anything huge, extreme, startling, etc..
New :: New (superl.) Newly beginning or recurring; starting anew; now commencing; different from has been; as, a new year; a new course or direction..
Kinding :: Kinding (n.) Materials, easily lighted, for starting a fire..
Cockhorse :: Cockhorse (a.) Lofty in feeling; exultant; proud; upstart.
Commence :: Commence (v. i.) To have a beginning or origin; to originate; to start; to begin.
Cocker :: Cocker (n.) A small dog of the spaniel kind, used for starting up woodcocks, etc..
Goal :: Goal (n.) The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the constestants run, or from which they start to return to it again; the place at which a race or a journey is to end..
Start :: Start (v. i.) The handle, or tail, of a plow; also, any long handle..
Loop :: Loop (n.) A wire forming part of a main circuit and returning to the point from which it starts.
Start-up :: Start-up (n.) One who comes suddenly into notice; an upstart.
Chancroid :: Chancroid (n.) A venereal sore, resembling a chancre in its seat and some external characters, but differing from it in being the starting point of a purely local process and never of a systemic disease; -- called also soft chancre..
Skew :: Skew (v. i.) To start aside; to shy, as a horse..
Brachystochrone :: Brachystochrone (n.) A curve, in which a body, starting from a given point, and descending solely by the force of gravity, will reach another given point in a shorter time than it could by any other path. This curve of quickest descent, as it is sometimes called, is, in a vacuum, the same as the cycloid..
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