Definition of starlike

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Starlight (a.) Lighted by the stars, or by the stars only; as, a starlight night..

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Pseudostella :: Pseudostella (n.) Any starlike meteor or phenomenon.
Starling :: Starlike (a.) Shining; bright; illustrious.
Astral :: Astral (a.) Pertaining to, coming from, or resembling, the stars; starry; starlike..
Oculinacea :: Oculinacea ( A suborder of corals including many reef-building species, having round, starlike calicles..
Starlike :: Starlike (a.) Resembling a star; stellated; radiated like a star; as, starlike flowers..
Sphery :: Sphery (a.) Round; spherical; starlike.
Asteroid :: Asteroid (n.) A starlike body; esp. one of the numerous small planets whose orbits lie between those of Mars and Jupiter; -- called also planetoids and minor planets.
Stellation :: Stellated (a.) Starlike; having similar parts radiating from a common center; as, stellate flowers..
Micraster :: Micraster (n.) A genus of sea urchins, similar to Spatangus, abounding in the chalk formation; -- from the starlike disposal of the ambulacral furrows..
Star :: Star (n.) A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance..
Stellulate :: Stellular (a.) Marked with starlike spots of color.
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