Definition of stand

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Stand (n.) To be in some particular state; to have essence or being; to be; to consist.

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Stockade :: Stock (a.) Used or employed for constant service or application, as if constituting a portion of a stock or supply; standard; permanent; standing; as, a stock actor; a stock play; a stock sermon..
Manifest :: Manifest (a.) Evident to the senses, esp. to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceived; hence, obvious to the understanding; apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden..
Vexillum :: Vexillum (n.) A company of troops serving under one standard.
Yen :: Yen (n.) The unit of value and account in Japan. Since Japan's adoption of the gold standard, in 1897, the value of the yen has been about 50 cents. The yen is equal to 100 sen..
Standard :: Standard (a.) Being, affording, or according with, a standard for comparison and judgment; as, standard time; standard weights and measures; a standard authority as to nautical terms; standard gold or silver..
Howbeit :: Howbeit (conj.) Be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; although; albeit; yet; but; however.
High :: High (superl.) Exalted in social standing or general estimation, or in rank, reputation, office, and the like; dignified; as, she was welcomed in the highest circles..
Around :: Around (adv.) Near; in the neighborhood; as, this man was standing around when the fight took place..
Sensible :: Sensible (a.) Capable of being perceived by the senses; apprehensible through the bodily organs; hence, also, perceptible to the mind; making an impression upon the sense, reason, or understanding; ////// heat; sensible resistance..
Diapason :: Diapason (n.) A standard of pitch; a tuning fork; as, the French normal diapason..
Understanding :: Understanding (n.) The act of one who understands a thing, in any sense of the verb; knowledge; discernment; comprehension; interpretation; explanation..
Beauseant :: Beauseant (n.) The black and white standard of the Knights Templars.
Skill :: Skill (v. t.) To know; to understand.
Break :: Break (v. t.) To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.
Censorship :: Censorship (n.) The office or power of a censor; as, to stand for a censorship..
Subaxillary :: Subaudition (n.) The act of understanding, or supplying, something not expressed; also, that which is so understood or supplied..
Lackbrain :: Lackbrain (n.) One who is deficient in understanding; a witless person.
Antipetalous :: Antipetalous (a.) Standing before a petal, as a stamen..
On :: On (prep.) At, or in contact with, the surface or upper part of a thing, and supported by it; placed or lying in contact with the surface; as, the book lies on the table, which stands on the floor of a house on an island..
Better :: Better (n.) One who has a claim to precedence; a superior, as in merit, social standing, etc.; -- usually in the plural..
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