Definition of staking

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Staked (imp. & p. p.) of Stak.

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Erroneous :: Erroneous (a.) Misleading; misled; mistaking.
Painstaking :: Painstaking (n.) The act of taking pains; carefulness and fidelity in performance.
Painful :: Painful (a.) Painstaking; careful; industrious.
Diligence :: Diligence (n.) Interested and persevering application; devoted and painstaking effort to accomplish what is undertaken; assiduity in service.
Elaborate :: Elaborate (a.) Wrought with labor; finished with great care; studied; executed with exactness or painstaking; as, an elaborate discourse; an elaborate performance; elaborate research..
Mistakingly :: Mistakingly (adv.) Erroneously.
Curiousness :: Curiousness (n.) Carefulness; painstaking.
Misapprehension :: Misapprehension (n.) A mistaking or mistake; wrong apprehension of one's meaning of a fact; misconception; misunderstanding.
Stake :: Staking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Stak.
Faro :: Faro (n.) A gambling game at cardds, in whiich all the other players play against the dealer or banker, staking their money upon the order in which the cards will lie and be dealt from the pack..
Elaborate :: Elaborate (v. t.) To perfect with painstaking; to improve or refine with labor and study, or by successive operations; as, to elaborate a painting or a literary work..
Diligent :: Diligent (a.) Prosecuted with careful attention and effort; careful; painstaking; not careless or negligent.
Penible :: Penible (a.) Painstaking; assidous.
Lucubratory :: Lucubratory (a.) Composed by candlelight, or by night; of or pertaining to night studies; laborious or painstaking..
Mistaking :: Mistaking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mistak.
Painstaking :: Painstaking (a.) Careful in doing; diligent; faithful; attentive.
Mistaking :: Mistaking (n.) An error; a mistake.
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