Definition of squab

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Squab (n.) A person of a short, fat figure..

Lern More About Squab

Squab :: Squab (n.) A neatling of a pigeon or other similar bird, esp. when very fat and not fully fledged..
Squab-chick :: Squabby (a.) Short and thick; suqabbish.
Squabash :: Squab (v. i.) To fall plump; to strike at one dash, or with a heavy stroke..
Squabbling :: Squabbled (imp. & p. p.) of Squabbl.
Squabble :: Squabbling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Squabbl.
Squab :: Squab (n.) A person of a short, fat figure..
Squabble :: Squabble (v. i.) To debate peevishly; to dispute.
Squabbish :: Squabash (v. t.) To crush; to quash; to squash.
Squabbler :: Squabble (n.) A scuffle; a wrangle; a brawl.
Pundle :: Pundle (n.) A short and fat woman; a squab.
Squabble :: Squabble (v. t.) To disarrange, so that the letters or lines stand awry or are mixed and need careful readjustment; -- said of type that has been set up..
Squab :: Squab (n.) A thickly stuffed cushion; especially, one used for the seat of a sofa, couch, or chair; also, a sofa..
Brangle :: Brangle (v. i.) To wrangle; to dispute contentiously; to squabble.
Squab :: Squab (a.) Unfledged; unfeathered; as, a squab pigeon..
Squab :: Squab (adv.) With a heavy fall; plump.
Brangle :: Brangle (n.) A wrangle; a squabble; a noisy contest or dispute.
Squabble :: Squabble (v. i.) To contend for superiority in an unseemly maner; to scuffle; to struggle; to wrangle; to quarrel.
Squaccos :: Squab-chick (n.) A young chicken before it is fully fledged.
Squab :: Squab (a.) Fat; thick; plump; bulky.
Bobbery :: Bobbery (n.) A squabble; a tumult; a noisy disturbance; as, to raise a bobbery..
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