Definition of spy

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Spying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sp.

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Pinnace :: Pinnace (n.) A small vessel propelled by sails or oars, formerly employed as a tender, or for coast defence; -- called originally, spynace or spyne..
Crispy :: Crispy (a.) Formed into short, close ringlets; frizzed; crisp; as, crispy locks..
Spynace :: Spyism (n.) Act or business of spying.
Spyglass :: Spyboat (n.) A boat sent to make discoveries and bring intelligence.
Speculatory :: Speculatory (a.) Intended or adapted for viewing or espying; having oversight.
Spied :: Spied () imp. & p. p. of Spy.
Calamander Wood :: Calamander wood () A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard in texture. It is a species of ebony, and is obtained from the Diospyros quaesita. Called also Coromandel wood..
Spy :: Spying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sp.
Espial :: Espial (n.) The act of espying; notice; discovery.
Toot :: Toot (v. t.) To see; to spy.
Passymeasure :: Passymeasure (n.) See Paspy.
Glass :: Glass (v. t.) An optical glass; a lens; a spyglass; -- in the plural, spectacles; as, a pair of glasses; he wears glasses..
Mabolo :: Mabolo (n.) A kind of persimmon tree (Diospyros discolor) from the Philippine Islands, now introduced into the East and West Indies. It bears an edible fruit as large as a quince..
Peeper :: Peeper (n.) One who peeps; a prying person; a spy.
Ulotrichi :: Ulotrichi (n. pl.) The division of mankind which embraces the races having woolly or crispy hair. Cf. Leiotrichi.
Espying :: Espying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Esp.
Telescope :: Telescope (a.) To slide or pass one within another, after the manner of the sections of a small telescope or spyglass; to come into collision, as railway cars, in such a manner that one runs into another..
Speculator :: Speculator (n.) One who speculates. Specifically: (a) An observer; a contemplator; hence, a spy; a watcher..
Spyne :: Spynace (n.) Alt. of Spyn.
Discover :: Discover (v. t.) To obtain for the first time sight or knowledge of, as of a thing existing already, but not perceived or known; to find; to ascertain; to espy; to detect..
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