Definition of ben

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Ben (n.) A hoglike mammal of New Guinea (Porcula papuensis).

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Sivvens :: Sivvens (n.) See Sibbens.
Trend :: Trend (v. t.) To cause to turn; to bend.
Eyelet :: Eyelet (n.) A metal ring or grommet, or short metallic tube, the ends of which can be bent outward and over to fasten it in place; -- used to line an eyelet hole..
Dermis :: Dermis (n.) The deep sensitive layer of the skin beneath the scarfskin or epidermis; -- called also true skin, derm, derma, corium, cutis, and enderon. See Skin, and Illust. in Appendix..
Benzoinated :: Benzoinated (a.) Containing or impregnated with benzoin; as, benzoinated lard..
Isatin :: Isatin (n.) An orange-red crystalline substance, C8H5NO2, obtained by the oxidation of indigo blue. It is also produced from certain derivatives of benzoic acid, and is one important source of artificial indigo..
Collate :: Collate (v. t.) To present and institute in a benefice, when the person presenting is both the patron and the ordinary; -- followed by to..
Beneficialness :: Beneficialness (n.) The quality of being beneficial; profitableness.
Silverweed :: Silverweed (n.) A perennial rosaceous herb (Potentilla Anserina) having the leaves silvery white beneath.
Tuft :: Tuft (n.) A collection of small, flexible, or soft things in a knot or bunch; a waving or bending and spreading cluster; as, a tuft of flowers or feathers..
Wringbolt :: Wringbolt (n.) A bolt used by shipwrights, to bend and secure the planks against the timbers till they are fastened by bolts, spikes, or treenails; -- not to be confounded with ringbolt..
Vicarage :: Vicarage (n.) The benefice of a vicar.
Raise :: Raise (v. t.) To cause to spring up from a recumbent position, from a state of quiet, or the like; to awaken; to arouse..
Benefice :: Benefice (n.) An ecclesiastical living and church preferment, as in the Church of England; a church endowed with a revenue for the maintenance of divine service. See Advowson..
Perbend :: Perbend (n.) See Perpender.
Title :: Title (n.) That by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
Silico- :: Silico- () A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting the presence of silicon or its compounds; as, silicobenzoic, silicofluoride, etc..
Cottise :: Cottise (n.) A diminutive of the bendlet, containing one half its area or one quarter the area of the bend. When a single cottise is used alone it is often called a cost. See also Couple-close..
Beneficiary :: Beneficiary (a.) Holding some office or valuable possession, in subordination to another; holding under a feudal or other superior; having a dependent and secondary possession..
Avowee :: Avowee (n.) The person who has a right to present to a benefice; the patron; an advowee. See Advowson.
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