Definition of spiration

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Spiranthy (n.) The occasional twisted growth of the parts of a flower.

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Chromidrosis :: Chromidrosis (n.) Secretion of abnormally colored perspiration.
Castalian :: Castalian (a.) Of or pertaining to Castalia, a mythical fountain of inspiration on Mt. Parnassus sacred to the Muses..
Fainting :: Fainting (n.) Syncope, or loss of consciousness owing to a sudden arrest of the blood supply to the brain, the face becoming pallid, the respiration feeble, and the heat's beat weak..
Inanimation :: Inanimation (n.) Infusion of life or vigor; animation; inspiration.
Afflatus :: Afflatus (n.) A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration.
Respiration :: Respiration (n.) Interval; intermission.
Limit :: Limit (v. t.) To apply a limit to, or set a limit for; to terminate, circumscribe, or restrict, by a limit or limits; as, to limit the acreage of a crop; to limit the issue of paper money; to limit one's ambitions or aspirations; to limit the meaning of a word..
Transpiration :: Transpiration (n.) The act or process of transpiring or excreting in the form of vapor; exhalation, as through the skin or other membranes of the body; as, pulmonary transpiration, or the excretion of aqueous vapor from the lungs. Perspiration is a form of transpiration..
Orthopny :: Orthopny (n.) Specifically, a morbid condition in which respiration can be performed only in an erect posture; by extension, any difficulty of breathing..
Hiccough :: Hiccough (n.) A modified respiratory movement; a spasmodic inspiration, consisting of a sudden contraction of the diaphragm, accompanied with closure of the glottis, so that further entrance of air is prevented, while the impulse of the column of air entering and striking upon the closed glottis produces a sound, or hiccough..
Hippocrene :: Hippocrene (n.) A fountain on Mount Helicon in Boeotia, fabled to have burst forth when the ground was struck by the hoof of Pegasus. Also, its waters, which were supposed to impart poetic inspiration..
Stifled :: Stifle (v. i.) To die by reason of obstruction of the breath, or because some noxious substance prevents respiration..
Transpire :: Transpire (v. i.) To pass off in the form of vapor or insensible perspiration; to exhale.
Transpiratory :: Transpiratory (a.) Of or relating to transpiration.
Afflation :: Afflation (n.) A blowing or breathing on; inspiration.
Diaphragmatic :: Diaphragmatic (a.) Pertaining to a diaphragm; as, diaphragmatic respiration; the diaphragmatic arteries and nerves..
Transpiration :: Transpiration (n.) The passing of gases through fine tubes, porous substances, or the like; as, transpiration through membranes..
Perspirative :: Perspirative (a.) Performing the act of perspiration; perspiratory.
Strangle :: Strangle (v. t.) To compress the windpipe of (a person or animal) until death results from stoppage of respiration; to choke to death by compressing the throat, as with the hand or a rope..
Catapasm :: Catapasm (n.) A compound medicinal powder, used by the ancients to sprinkle on ulcers, to absorb perspiration, etc..
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