Definition of ached

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Ached (imp. & p. p.) of Ach.

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Bolas :: Bolas (n. sing. & pl.) A kind of missile weapon consisting of one, two, or more balls of stone, iron, or other material, attached to the ends of a leather cord; -- used by the Gauchos of South America, and others, for hurling at and entangling an animal..
Latching :: Latching (n.) A loop or eye formed on the head rope of a bonnet, by which it is attached to the foot of a sail; -- called also latch and lasket..
Loggia :: Loggia (n.) A roofed open gallery. It differs from a veranda in being more architectural, and in forming more decidedly a part of the main edifice to which it is attached; from a porch, in being intended not for entrance but for an out-of-door sitting-room..
Pseuso-peripteral :: Pseuso-peripteral (a.) Falsely or imperfectly peripteral, as a temple having the columns at the sides attached to the walls, and an ambulatory only at the ends or only at one end..
Mezuzoth :: Mezuzoth (n.) A piece of parchment bearing the Decalogue and attached to the doorpost; -- in use among orthodox Hebrews.
Warp :: Warp (v.) A rope used in hauling or moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor, a post, or other fixed object; a towing line; a warping hawser..
Semidetached :: Semidetached (a.) Half detached; partly distinct or separate.
Scripturist :: Scripturist (n.) One who is strongly attached to, or versed in, the Scriptures, or who endeavors to regulate his life by them..
Cuff :: Cuff (n.) Any ornamental appendage at the wrist, whether attached to the sleeve of the garment or separate; especially, in modern times, such an appendage of starched linen, or a substitute for it of paper, or the like..
Unreproachable :: Unreproachable (a.) Not liable to be reproached; irreproachable.
Cringle :: Cringle (n.) An iron or pope thimble or grommet worked into or attached to the edges and corners of a sail; -- usually in the plural. The cringles are used for making fast the bowline bridles, earings, etc..
Leached :: Leached (imp. & p. p.) of Leac.
Tucker :: Tucker (n.) A narrow piece of linen or the like, folded across the breast, or attached to the gown at the neck, forming a part of a woman's dress in the 17th century and later..
Phonautograph :: Phonautograph (n.) An instrument by means of which a sound can be made to produce a visible trace or record of itself. It consists essentially of a resonant vessel, usually of paraboloidal form, closed at one end by a flexible membrane. A stylus attached to some point of the membrane records the movements of the latter, as it vibrates, upon a moving cylinder or plate..
Sole :: Sole (n.) A piece of timber attached to the lower part of the rudder, to make it even with the false keel..
Podoscaph :: Podoscaph (n.) A canoe-shaped float attached to the foot, for walking on water..
Churchman :: Churchman (n.) One was is attached to, or attends, church..
Columella :: Columella (n.) An axis to which a carpel of a compound pistil may be attached, as in the case of the geranium; or which is left when a pod opens..
Flag :: Flag (n.) A cloth usually bearing a device or devices and used to indicate nationality, party, etc., or to give or ask information; -- commonly attached to a staff to be waved by the wind; a standard; a banner; an ensign; the colors; as, the national flag; a military or a naval flag..
Strike :: Strike (v. i.) To become attached to something; -- said of the spat of oysters.
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