Definition of spicule

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Spicule (n.) A minute, slender granule, or point..

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Spiculigenous :: Spiculigenous (a.) Producing or containing spicules.
Spicule :: Spicule (n.) Any small calcareous or siliceous body found in the tissues of various invertebrate animals, especially in sponges and in most Alcyonaria..
Spongiopilin :: Spongiolite (n.) One of the microsporic siliceous spicules which occur abundantly in the texture of sponges, and are sometimes found fossil, as in flints..
Radiolaria :: Radiolaria (n. pl.) Order of rhizopods, usually having a siliceous skeleton, or shell, and sometimes radiating spicules. The pseudopodia project from the body like rays. It includes the polycystines. See Polycystina..
Spiculum :: Spiculum (n.) Same as Spicule.
Spicule :: Spicule (n.) A minute, slender granule, or point..
Amphidisc :: Amphidisc (n.) A peculiar small siliceous spicule having a denticulated wheel at each end; -- found in freshwater sponges.
Tricurvate :: Tricurvate (a.) Curved in three directions; as, a tricurvate spicule (see Illust. of Spicule)..
Trichite :: Trichite (n.) A delicate, hairlike siliceous spicule, found in certain sponges..
Tetraxile :: Tetraxile (a.) Having four branches diverging at right angles; -- said of certain spicules of sponges.
Silicoidea :: Silicoidea (n. pl.) An extensive order of Porifera, which includes those that have the skeleton composed mainly of siliceous fibers or spicules..
Calcispongiae :: Calcispongiae (n. pl.) An order of marine sponges, containing calcareous spicules. See Porifera..
Hexactinellid :: Hexactinellid (a.) Having six-rayed spicules; belonging to the Hexactinellinae.
Rotate :: Rotate (a.) Having the parts spreading out like a wheel; wheel-shaped; as, a rotate spicule or scale; a rotate corolla, i.e., a monopetalous corolla with a flattish border, and no tube or a very short one..
Tetractinellida :: Tetractinellida (n. pl.) A division of Spongiae in which the spicules are siliceous and have four branches diverging at right angles. Called also Tetractinellinae.
Spink :: Spinii-spirulate (a.) Having spines arranged spirally. See Spicule.
Spicule :: Spicule (n.) Same as Spicula.
Anchor :: Anchor (n.) One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain sponges; also, one of the calcareous spinules of certain Holothurians, as in species of Synapta..
Sclerite :: Sclerite (n.) A hard chitinous or calcareous process or corpuscle, especially a spicule of the Alcyonaria..
Spiculispongiae :: Spiculispongiae (n. pl.) A division of sponges including those which have independent siliceous spicules.
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