Definition of spend

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Spend (v. t.) To consume; to waste; to squander; to exhaust; as, to spend an estate in gaming or other vices..

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Supersedure :: Supersedeas (n.) A writ of command to suspend the powers of an officer in certain cases, or to stay proceedings under another writ..
Clue :: Clue (n.) A combination of lines or nettles by which a hammock is suspended.
Corona :: Corona (n.) A crown or circlet suspended from the roof or vaulting of churches, to hold tapers lighted on solemn occasions. It is sometimes formed of double or triple circlets, arranged pyramidically. Called also corona lucis..
Apositic :: Apositic (a.) Destroying the appetite, or suspending hunger..
Spending :: Spending (n.) The act of expending; expenditure.
Poise :: Poise (v. i.) To hang in equilibrium; to be balanced or suspended; hence, to be in suspense or doubt..
Demur :: Demur (v. t.) To suspend judgment concerning; to doubt of or hesitate about.
Lockjaw :: Lockjaw (n.) A contraction of the muscles of the jaw by which its motion is suspended; a variety of tetanus.
Hammock :: Hammock (n.) A swinging couch or bed, usually made of netting or canvas about six feet wide, suspended by clews or cords at the ends..
Hang :: Hang (v. i.) To put to death by suspending by the neck; -- a form of capital punishment; as, to hang a murderer..
Hanger :: Hanger (n.) That which hangs or is suspended, as a sword worn at the side; especially, in the 18th century, a short, curved sword..
Desiccator :: Desiccator (n.) A short glass jar fitted with an air-tight cover, and containing some desiccating agent, as sulphuric acid or calcium chloride, above which is suspended the material to be dried, or preserved from moisture..
Tailrace :: Tailrace (n.) The channel in which tailings, suspended in water, are conducted away..
Suspensoria :: Suspensor (n.) The cord which suspends the embryo; and which is attached to the radicle in the young state; the proembryo.
Yoke :: Yoke (n.) A frame of wood fitted to a person's shoulders for carrying pails, etc., suspended on each side; as, a milkmaid's yoke..
Lounge :: Lounge (a.) To spend time lazily, whether lolling or idly sauntering; to pass time indolently; to stand, sit, or recline, in an indolent manner..
Aeroscope :: Aeroscope (n.) An apparatus designed for collecting spores, germs, bacteria, etc., suspended in the air..
Impending :: Impending (a.) Hanging over; overhanging; suspended so as to menace; imminet; threatening.
Pendant :: Pendant (n.) The stem and ring of a watch, by which it is suspended..
Asphyxy :: Asphyxy (n.) Apparent death, or suspended animation; the condition which results from interruption of respiration, as in suffocation or drowning, or the inhalation of irrespirable gases..
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