Definition of speed

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Speed (n.) The act or state of moving swiftly; swiftness; velocity; rapidly; rate of motion; dispatch; as, the speed a horse or a vessel..

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Spring :: Spring (v. i.) To issue with speed and violence; to move with activity; to dart; to shoot.
Tantivy :: Tantivy (adv.) Swiftly; speedily; rapidly; -- a fox-hunting term; as, to ride tantivy..
Governor :: Governor (n.) A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable..
Speed :: Speed (n.) To fare well; to have success; to prosper.
Acuteness :: Acuteness (n.) Violence of a disease, which brings it speedily to a crisis..
Speeder :: Speeder (n.) A machine for drawing and twisting slivers to form rovings.
Tachometer :: Tachometer (n.) An instrument for showing at any moment the speed of a revolving shaft, consisting of a delicate revolving conical pendulum which is driven by the shaft, and the action of which by change of speed moves a pointer which indicates the speed on a graduated dial..
Speedy :: Speedy (superl.) Not dilatory or slow; quick; swift; nimble; hasty; rapid in motion or performance; as, a speedy flight; on speedy foot..
Judge :: "Judge (v. i.) A person appointed to decide in a/trial of skill, speed, etc., between two or more parties; an umpire; as, a judge in a horse race..
Run :: Run (n.) The greatest degree of swiftness in marching. It is executed upon the same principles as the double-quick, but with greater speed..
Race :: Race (v. t.) To cause to contend in a race; to drive at high speed; as, to race horses..
Souse :: Souse (v. t.) To swoop or plunge, as a bird upon its prey; to fall suddenly; to rush with speed; to make a sudden attack..
Even :: Even (a.) Level, smooth, or equal in surface; not rough; free from irregularities; hence uniform in rate of motion of action; as, even ground; an even speed; an even course of conduct..
Rakish :: Rakish (a.) Having a saucy appearance indicative of speed and dash.
Speed :: Speed (n.) To make haste; to move with celerity.
Haste :: Haste (n.) Celerity of motion; speed; swiftness; dispatch; expedition; -- applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals..
Cropper :: Cropper (n.) A fall on one's head when riding at full speed, as in hunting; hence, a sudden failure or collapse..
Speed :: Speed (v. t.) To hurry to destruction; to put an end to; to ruin; to undo.
Velocimeter :: Velocimeter (n.) An apparatus for measuring speed, as of machinery or vessels, but especially of projectiles..
Knot :: Knot (n.) A nautical mile, or 6080.27 feet; as, when a ship goes eight miles an hour, her speed is said to be eight knots..
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