Definition of speed

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Speed (n.) Prosperity in an undertaking; favorable issue; success.

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Expedite :: Expedite (a.) Expeditious; quick; speedily; prompt.
Rakish :: Rakish (a.) Having a saucy appearance indicative of speed and dash.
Speed :: Speed (v. t.) To cause to make haste; to dispatch with celerity; to drive at full speed; hence, to hasten; to hurry..
Sped :: Sped () imp. & p. p. of Speed.
Catamaran :: Catamaran (n.) Any vessel with twin hulls, whether propelled by sails or by steam; esp., one of a class of double-hulled pleasure boats remarkable for speed..
Speed :: Speed (n.) To make haste; to move with celerity.
Dispatchful :: Dispatchful (a.) Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task; indicating haste; quick; as, dispatchful looks..
Dispeed :: Dispeed (v. t.) To send off with speed; to dispatch.
Dispatch :: Dispatch (v. t.) A message dispatched or sent with speed; especially, an important official letter sent from one public officer to another; -- often used in the plural; as, a messenger has arrived with dispatches for the American minister; naval or military dispatches..
Speeding :: Speeding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Spee.
Student :: Studding sail () A light sail set at the side of a principal or square sail of a vessel in free winds, to increase her speed. Its head is bent to a small spar which is called the studding-sail boom. See Illust. of Sail..
Express :: Express (a.) Intended for a particular purpose; relating to an express; sent on a particular errand; dispatched with special speed; as, an express messenger or train. Also used adverbially..
Tachometer :: Tachometer (n.) An instrument for showing at any moment the speed of a revolving shaft, consisting of a delicate revolving conical pendulum which is driven by the shaft, and the action of which by change of speed moves a pointer which indicates the speed on a graduated dial..
Rapid :: Rapid (a.) Advancing with haste or speed; speedy in progression; in quick sequence; as, rapid growth; rapid improvement; rapid recurrence; rapid succession..
Belive :: Belive (a.) Forthwith; speedily; quickly.
Scamper :: Scamper (v. t.) To run with speed; to run or move in a quick, hurried manner; to hasten away..
Career :: Career (n.) A running; full speed; a rapid course.
Drag :: Drag (v. t.) The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel. See Citation under Drag, v. i., 3..
Acute :: Acute (a.) Attended with symptoms of some degree of severity, and coming speedily to a crisis; -- opposed to chronic; as, an acute disease..
Cropper :: Cropper (n.) A fall on one's head when riding at full speed, as in hunting; hence, a sudden failure or collapse..
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