Definition of special

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Special (a.) Limited in range; confined to a definite field of action, investigation, or discussion; as, a special dictionary of commercial terms; a special branch of study..

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Interlude :: Interlude (n.) A short piece of instrumental music played between the parts of a song or cantata, or the acts of a drama; especially, in church music, a short passage played by the organist between the stanzas of a hymn, or in German chorals after each line..
Synthesis :: Synthesis (n.) The art or process of making a compound by putting the ingredients together, as contrasted with analysis; thus, water is made by synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen; hence, specifically, the building up of complex compounds by special reactions, whereby their component radicals are so grouped that the resulting substances are identical in every respect with the natural articles when such occur; thus, artificial alcohol, urea, indigo blue, alizarin, etc., are made by synthesis..
Vivandiere :: Vivandiere (n.) In Continental armies, especially in the French army, a woman accompanying a regiment, who sells provisions and liquor to the soldiers; a female sutler..
Touchwood :: Touchwood (n.) Dried fungi used as tinder; especially, the Polyporus igniarius..
Grecianize :: Grecianize (v. i.) To conform to the Greek custom, especially in speech..
Humidity :: Humidity (n.) Moisture; dampness; a moderate degree of wetness, which is perceptible to the eye or touch; -- used especially of the atmosphere, or of anything which has absorbed moisture from the atmosphere, as clothing..
Persist :: Persist (v. i.) To stand firm; to be fixed and unmoved; to stay; to continue steadfastly; especially, to continue fixed in a course of conduct against opposing motives; to persevere; -- sometimes conveying an unfavorable notion, as of doggedness or obstinacy..
And :: And (conj.) In order to; -- used instead of the infinitival to, especially after try, come, go..
Tuition :: Tuition (n.) Especially, the act, art, or business of teaching; instruction; as, children are sent to school for tuition; his tuition was thorough..
Coach :: Coach (v. t.) To prepare for public examination by private instruction; to train by special instruction.
Ringer :: Ringer (n.) One who, or that which, rings; especially, one who rings chimes on bells..
Ootheca :: Ootheca (n.) An egg case, especially those of many kinds of mollusks, and of some insects, as the cockroach. Cf. Ooecium..
Jail :: "Jail (n.) A kind of prison; a building for the confinement of persons held in lawful custody, especially for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding..
Bullfinch :: Bullfinch (n.) A bird of the genus Pyrrhula and other related genera, especially the P. vulgaris / rubicilla, a bird of Europe allied to the grosbeak, having the breast, cheeks, and neck, red..
Premise :: Premise (n.) To set forth beforehand, or as introductory to the main subject; to offer previously, as something to explain or aid in understanding what follows; especially, to lay down premises or first propositions, on which rest the subsequent reasonings..
Permeate :: Permeate (v. t.) To pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement; -- applied especially to fluids which pass through substances of loose texture; as, water permeates sand..
Infare :: Infare (n.) A house-warming; especially, a reception, party, or entertainment given by a newly married couple, or by the husband upon receiving the wife to his house..
Episperm :: Episperm (n.) The skin or coat of a seed, especially the outer coat. See Testa..
Aureole :: Aureole (n.) The circle of rays, or halo of light, with which painters surround the figure and represent the glory of Christ, saints, and others held in special reverence..
Physics :: Physics (n.) The science of nature, or of natural objects; that branch of science which treats of the laws and properties of matter, and the forces acting upon it; especially, that department of natural science which treats of the causes (as gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, etc.) that modify the general properties of bodies; natural philosophy..
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